Zoe Ducos_peliplat

Zoe Ducos

Creation | Actress
Date of birth : 03/06/1928
Date of death : 11/11/2002
City of birth : Buenos Aires, Argentina

Zoe Ducos was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina in 1928. She began working in the theater and was a well trained actress. Her stage experience was enough to get her first role in cinema. Her debut in films was in "God reward you", a smash hit directed by Luis César Amadori in 1948. She kept on working in Argentina in theatre and cinema Until 1952. After Eva Peron's death in that year she decided to go to Venezuela where she went on with an important career in theatre and cinema, too. In 1960 she went back to Argentina to shoot a film "On Parole", an opera prima directed by Alfredo Betanin and again in 1970 when she acted in another movie "Crazy Bird" with Funster Luis Sandrini. In 1971 and after a brief spelling in Argentine theatre, she went back to Venezuela where she worked until her death on TV and cinema. She died in 2002.

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