Emmanuelle Chaulet_peliplat

Emmanuelle Chaulet

Director | Creation | Actress
Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

2014 Emmanuelle Chaulet now resides in France and coaches actors and artists. 2012 Emmanuelle Chaulet was a Lecturer in Theatre at the University of Southern Maine, where she worked from 1994 to 2013. She is an artists'coach, a director, author and has an international film acting career. She coaches actors and artists, using Michael Chekhov and Lee Strasberg techniques, and incorporating Voice Dialogue (of Hal and Sidra Stone Ph.D.), and energy awareness techniques. Over the last 20 years, (1991-2012) she has created her own style of coaching that incorporates Voice Dialogue and mindfulness techniques for creativity development, character work and emotional re-balancing. She breaks grounds with the concept of 'character vibration' and inner characters and addresses post-performance stress and trauma. She is the author of 'A Balancing Act, the development of Energize, A Holistic Approach To Acting', in which she articulates her unique approach. She has a career of 30 years in theatre and film both in France and the U.S. Lead film roles include "Boyfriend and Girlfriends" by French New Wave master Eric Rohmer and "All the Vermeers in New York" by Jon Jost, 1991 winner of the best American independent film award, as well as "Sundowning," by Jim Cole, winner of the Cinequest Emerging Mavericks/New Vision award. A Fulbright Scholar at the Lee Strasberg Theatre Institute in New York in 1989, she originally studied acting and the Michael Chekhov technique with Robert Cordier in Paris, France (Acting International) and Blanche Salant (Atelier International de Theatre). She performed opposite actors such as Vincent Cassel, Isaach de Bankole;, Gerald Laroche and worked with film directors Eric Rohmer, Alain Resnais, Claire Denis, Jon Jost and Xavier Durringer. A certified Energy Awareness Counselor,from the Polarity Realization -Spatech Institute of Massachusetts and Maine, She also studied Voice Dialogue facilitation with Martha-Lou Wolff, Ph.D. Miriam Dyak and Tamar Stone and uses Voice Dialogue in her coaching. She is the founder and director of Starlight Acting Institute, which offers individual and group training in holistic acting. A graduate of ESCP Europe, she holds a MIM in cultural management for non-profit organizations and teaches performance business courses for artists. She has been included in the prestigious "Who's Who in America" since 2007. She lives in France with her husband and son and travels to the USA frequently.

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