Carl-Gustaf Lindstedt_peliplat

Carl-Gustaf Lindstedt

Actor | Creation
Date of birth : 02/24/1921
Date of death : 01/16/1992
City of birth : Stockholm, Stockholms län, Sweden

He was raised on Kungsholmen in Stockholm, where his father had a flower shop. His father was also a social democratic politician. 'Unga Örnar', a socialist youth club, had a theater club which he joined. Since his parents were poor, he had to start work at the age of 16 as a delievery boy. Meanwhile, he continued with acting, performing at weddings and stag parties. In 1944 he met 'Gunnar 'Knas' Lindkvist' and 'Curt 'Minimal' Åström' and together they formed 'Tre Knas', touring Sweden with funny sketches. In 1946 the three of them joined the Casino Theatre, playing comedy together with Arne Källerud and Gösta Bernhard. In 1957 he bought the 'Nöjeskatten' theatre together with Arne Källerud. His first movies were often extensions of what he had done on the stage: Lattjo med Boccaccio (1949) or Stjärnsmäll i Frukostklubben (1950). As time passed, his acting developed, giving place for more mature and dramatic parts like Harry Munter (1969), Man on the Roof (1976) or _"Babels hus" (1981) (mini)_.

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