Nikolay Karachentsov_peliplat

Nikolay Karachentsov

Date of birth : 10/27/1944
Date of death : 10/26/2018
City of birth : Moscow, Russian SFSR, USSR [now Russia]

Nikolay Karachentsov was one of the most popular Russian actors, known for his intense dramatic roles. His mother was a ballet dancer. As a child, Nikolay's favorite activity was reading - he read even by nights, disguised under a blanket with a flashlight. He became popular in 1974 after playing starring in "Til" drama at Lenkom theatre. He was well-known for his incredible will and ability to work 18-20 hours a day; "I can't do my job another way", he said. His son Andrey studied at the Institute of International Relationships in Moscow.

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