Carlos Monden_peliplat

Carlos Monden

Date of birth : 06/28/1937
Date of death : 04/22/2011
City of birth : Santiago, Chile

Carlos Monden was a Mexican actor who was born in Chile. Carlos' acting career began in the early of the 1960's, acting in television and films. He acted in telenovelas as Siempre tuya (1964), El corrido de Lupe Reyes (1966), Amor sublime (1967), Rosario (1969), La gata (1970), El carruaje (1972), Barata de primavera (1975), Viviana (1978), Aprendido a vivir (1984), Dulce desafío (1988), Alcanzar una estrella II (1991), Tenías que ser tú (1992), A flor de piel (1994), Sin ti (1997), Por tu amor (1999), Por un beso (2000), Aventuras en el tiempo (2001), among others. In films, Carlos' acted in Los tres farsantes (1965), Pasaporte a la muerte (1968), La carrera del millón (1974), Supervivientes de Los Andes (1976), Nora la rebelde (1979), Fiebre de amor (1985), La lotería (1993), among others.

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