Pierre Carl Ouellet_peliplat

Pierre Carl Ouellet

Date of birth : 12/30/1967
City of birth : Ste-Catherine, Quebec, Canada

Pierre Carl Ouellet, the six foot one, two hundred sixty pounder made his World Wrestling Federation debut in mid 1993 with fellow Canadian wrestler Jacques Rougeau as The Quebecers, a tag team dressed as Mounties but would come to an entrance theme that they sang themselves saying "We're not the Mounties". Following in the footsteps of The fabulous Rougeau Brothers (where Jacques was one half of the team with his brother Raymond) they had much success with three WWF Tag Team Title runs and victories over such teams as The Steiner Brothers (Rick & Scott) and Men on a Mission (Mable & Mo). Why they had great success in the federation was due to their great communication, wrestling tactics, and double-teaming on their opponents. Their finishing move was a deadly one where Pierre would get on the top turnbuckle and Jacques would grab his hands and face toward their opponent stunned in the middle of the ring and Rougeau would throw Pierre and he would land hard on the foe's fallen body and it would be over. Pierre and Jacques were managed by Johnny Polo (ECW's Raven) later in 1993. Before the 1993 Survivors Series came Lex Luger fought Pierre on an edition of Monday Night Raw and injured him with his forearm finisher. The Quebecer missed the event so the main event changed and it was the team of Guts and Glory (Lex Luger, The Steiner Brothers, and The Undertaker) vs. The Foreign Fanatics (Yokozuna, Ludvig Borga, Jacques, and Crush). Crush was Pierre's replacement. The Quebecers defended the titles at the 1994 Royal Rumble against fellow Canadians Bret and Owen Hart. Due to an injury to Bret's leg caused by continuous punishment by The Quebecers the match was a no contest. After being defeated by the Samoans, The Quebecers disappeared from the wrestling scene. In the summer of 1995 Pierre came back to the federation but only under a new name and a new gimmick. The name was Jean Pierre Lafitte, a pirate bent on revenge. He made his debut on an edition of Monday Night Raw in the month of April against Duke "The Dumpster" Droese. Though the garbage man gave him a hard time, Lafitte eventually won the match using his cannonball finishing maneuver. A move very similar to his move with Jacques Rougeau but this time Ouellet jumped on the opponent by himself. Pierre's Pirate persona had great potential with an all business attitude but he never received the chance to wrestle the big names. He made his first Pay Per View appearance at the very first WWF In Your House in May facing off against Bob "Spark Plug" Holly and defeating him. Lafitte's only feud was with Bret "The Hitman" Hart and it ended by a defeat by The Hitman at Pierre's last Pay Per View appearance in the September edition of In Your House. Pierre slowly disappeared from the WWF crowds and it was never established why Jean Pierre Lafitte vanished from the ranks. Ouellet wrestled here and there for independent and lesser known federations in 1996. In the later part of 1996 Pierre and Jacques Rougeau joined the ranks in World Championship Wrestling (WCW) as The Amazing French Canadians. They wore blue tights and came down the aisle waving the Canadian flag. The team got some wrestling time on Monday Nitro and WCW Saturday Night but never accomplished any goals. A few months after their introduction they left WCW to pursue other things. Rougeau retired from the sport and Pierre again became a singles wrestler and wrestled all over the world. Later in 2000 Carl Ouellet had a brief stint in WCW with Lance Storm and his Team Canada. Ouellet held the WCW Hardcore Championship title by defeating Big Vito but losing it to Norman Smiley a day later. He left WCW soon after this defeat. In 2003 Pierre had a WWE Raw "dark" match against El Tornado and was successful but he never made the show. Also in 2003 Ouellet debuted as The Masked X in NWA/TNA. Pierre wore the usual strapped tights but this time with many colors and a mask. Ouellet was also seen with a new tattoo. Ouellet now wrestles in Canada waiting to get a chance at a major championship.

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