Gely Mavropoulou_peliplat

Gely Mavropoulou

Date of birth : 10/21/1932
Date of death : 07/19/2021
City of birth : Thessaloniki, Greece

Gelly Mavropoulou was born in 1932, in Thessaloniki, Greece, but raised in Athens. She belongs to a large theatrical family and studied at the prestigious Theatro Technis (Art Theater)under the direction of Carolos Koun. She made her stage debut in a 1955 Athens production of George Axelrod's "The Seven-Year Itch" starring Melina Mercouri, and quickly became a top actress, playing important leading roles in Shakespeare's "Othello" (as Dysdemona) and "The Taming of the Shrew" (as Bianca), Aeschylus' "Oresteia" (as Goddess Athena), Molière's "Le Tartuffe" (as Dorine) and many other modern and classical plays; she often created personal groups and finished her career in the early 1990s as a member of the Greek National Theater. She also acted regularly in films and became one of the major Greek female movie stars of the 1950's and 1960's, satisfactory in both comedies and melodramas. But she enjoyed the biggest success of her career in 1971, when she starred in the legendary TV series Agnostos polemos (1971).

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