Amber Tornquist Hollinger_peliplat

Amber Tornquist Hollinger

Date of birth : 10/27/1974
City of birth : San Luis Obispo, California, USA

Amber grew up in San Luis Obispo, California, splitting her time between the beach and farms of her extended family in Paso Robles. From the time she could pick up a pencil she began creating make believe worlds and was intrigued with marrying her love of art with her love of film. Seeking a life where her quirkiness would thrive she attended a freshman year at CalArts, dropped out, and landed her first professional animation job at 18. With over 35 properties on her resume her passion has not wavered. Amber is the kind of filmmaker where her devotion and heart can be seen in everything she touches. Her leadership style is rooted in communication, mutual respect and teamwork. She works hard, laughs loud, embraces challenges and will almost certainly run into that door jam on the way out of the room.

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