Pål Skjønberg_peliplat

Pål Skjønberg

Date of birth : 10/20/1919
Date of death : 02/03/2014
City of birth : Stavanger, Norway

Calm and thoughtful Norwegian character actor, as member of a family of actors, as son of, Henny Skjønberg and Eugen Skjønberg and brother of Espen Skjønberg, he was from early age on interested in theater. Educated as an engineer, his affection for the theater was to strong, and in 1945 he had his stage debut at The Norwegian Theater in Oslo, he was engaged to this theater until retirement. Many leading parts in the world of Henrik Ibsen: Dr.Rank, Gregers Werle, assessor Brack, and Johannes Rosmer, also the title role in: "Exit the King", (Ionesco) Skjønberg was also a gifted stage director. In films a trusted supporting actor,sometimes leading roles, at his best as: Olav Jansen in: På slaget åtte (1957),as Per Holm in: Ut av mørket (1958), as Quist in: Elskere (1963) and as Robert in: For dagene er onde (1991) Also many roles in radio and Tv plays.

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