Jo Sol_peliplat

Jo Sol

Director | Creation
Date of birth : 1968
City of birth : Barcelona, Spain

Jo Sol was born in 1968 in Barcelona, Spain as Jordi Sole i Nicolas. He is a writer and director, known for El taxista ful (2005), Vivir y otras ficciones (2016) and Fake Orgasm (2010). Jo Sol's filmography combine experimental visual arts with writing and feature length hybrid documentaries with a strong social political agenda selected in major film festival as San Sebastian, Locarno, Gotebörg, Munchen, Istanbul, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires among others. Jo Sol began his work as a writer and filmmaker at the end of the eighties. Initially focused upon visual anthropology, he developed diverse productions in the free format of video essay practiced in India, Cuba, and Mexico. During this period he came into contact with professors of experimental cinema such as George Kuchar, writers like Eliseo Altunaga, and figures of the literary world such as Gabriel Garcia Márquez. In parallel to his work as a script writer and filmmaker, Jo Sol has developed numerous experiences on the ground related to the practice of oriental techniques and philosophies, as well as those traditional practices and folklore in Mesoamerica.

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