Yasmin Syed_peliplat

Yasmin Syed

Date of birth : 11/07/1966
City of birth : London, England, UK

Yasmin Syed was born in London in November 1966, to a Norwegian mother and father originally from the Indian part of Kashmir. After a few years in London, she moved to Norway with her mother and siblings to run and conduct the family farm. Their new home at the edge of Hardangervidda implied a painful goodbye to Bentley, Burburry and Buckingham Palace,- now replaced by wooden skies, woollen caps and timber walls. Their fellow villagers were maybe even more astonished by their presence and appearance, as the fear of the unknown and foreigner was even greater back then. After all, they didn't exactly look like relatives of Aasmund Olavsson Vinje. After college and engagement at The Telemark Theatre under director Finn Kvalem, she moved to the US for further education in singing, acting and dancing. Since the stay in Texas and Washington, she has been engaged in the Norwegian entertainment and music industry. She has been working on projects with two of the best established artist managements, and have had engagements in casting and administration in TV productions. She has been co-hosting "Komitimen" on TV3, and has been employed as a journalist and reporter in NRK Telemark. Also, she has done "voice over" for Amnesty International and video productions for Egmont Film. In the TV series "Familiesagaen De Syv Søstre", she played police officer, and have been hosting and done editorial work in the production of web tv for the international company Specifique AS. She has also been co-hosting the live tv show STYRK LIVE, which received the price for best religious programme in May 2004 at an international festival for religios programs in Polan. In the 2003-award of the "Entrepreneur of the Year" in Norway, she was acting stunt reporter, and for the past few years she has been channel hosting for NRK1. As a member of the band "Yasmin's Banpower", she is am nourishing her musical talent, both as a singer and a musician.

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