Linda Saetre_peliplat

Linda Saetre

Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

In addition to being a producer, and writer, Linda Saetre is a multilingual, senior-level tech and media executive and consultant with extensive experience in managing projects of all sizes in the US and abroad. An innovative, self-motivated, and solution-oriented manager who identifies and aligns sales and programming goals with creative, revenue-generating solutions. A skilled writer and editor, adept at building consensus around ideas, strategy, and the execution of goals. Talent for building win-win partnerships and longstanding relationships with teams, investors, national and local government, and stakeholders alike. With a history of successful collaborations across a broad range of entities including corporations, startups, domestic and international government agencies, D.C. lobbying firms, Hollywood Studios, and talent agencies, Saetre has a proven track record of spotting trends and market gaps, and for developing strategies to turn gaps into opportunities. Experience working in the US as well as representing US interests in Europe, Russia, the Middle East, Asia, Sub-Sahara, South America, and Canada. Before becoming a tech entrepreneur and a rural broadband advocate, Saetre worked in the film and TV industry and was the VP of Bonne Pioche International, producers of the Oscar-winning "March of the Penguins" which grossed over $130 million at the box office, and whose Oscar campaign she oversaw. Saetre, a published non-fiction writer, served as an advisor to a non-profit lobbying the U.S. Congress on behalf of American Olympic athletes in the wake of the Larry Nassar tragedy.

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