Brent Tyler_peliplat

Brent Tyler

Actor | Creation
Date of birth : 06/09/1977
City of birth : Durban, South Africa

Brent Tyler was born in Durban, South Africa on the 9th June 1977 to single mother, Myra Dekock. She moved young Brent to Cape Town shortly there after. He has an older brother, Dean Clarke. He showed a peculiar interest in performing arts at a very early age but was not until high school that he decided to partake in theater. After graduation he put the arts on hold for awhile, while he opened and closed a restaurant, traveled to Thailand, Cambodia, South China Sea, Andaman Sea, and all over South Africa. He returned to Cape Town and moved through various positions in the restaurant field until 2003 when he traveled to Florida. He made his way to New York, got married and then to Los Angeles to follow his dream of acting. Brent has yet to reconcile with his father.

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