Denis Simonetta_peliplat

Denis Simonetta

Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

How can one live in Moyeuvre-Grande, a small mining and industrial town in the North-East of France, and at the same time rub shoulders with the great names of international cinema such as Roger Moore, Jeremy Irons, Demi Moore, Melanie Griffith, Gérard Depardieu, Daniel Auteuil, Juliette Binoche, Catherine Deneuve and many others? How can one be an agent of the Orange company and at the same time, a judge, an aristocrat, a gangster cook or an officer in the Israeli army? How can one live today as well as in the Renaissance ("The Merchant of Venice", 2004), the 17th century ("The Musketeer", 2001), the early 20th century ("Egon Schiele", 2016), World War I ("The Lost Battalion", 2001) or even in the future ("The Visitor from the Future", 2021)? Well, by being an extra, a silhouette or an actor of small roles, like Denis Simonetta. Denis Simonetta, born in 1958 in Metz, discovered this activity in 1999 by answering an ad heard on the radio. A happy experience ("Une Liaison pornographique") and this was the beginning of this extraordinary adventure: to date, over 150 films, TV movies and series, with shootings in the Grand Est and in Luxembourg. The latter country being a major international co-producer has given Denis Simonetta the opportunity to participate in not only Luxembourg and French productions but also Belgian, German, English, Irish, Austrian and even Israeli. In 2021, Denis Simonetta continues his collaborations, helping, like his fellow extras and silhouettes (including his wife Brigitte), to tightly knit the fabric of the background of a film or television movie, an important guarantee of its credibility.

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