Shahin Sean Solimon_peliplat

Shahin Sean Solimon

Director | Actor | Creation
Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Shahin (Sean) Solimon, born Shahin Solimonpoor, was blessed to have experience two separate cultures, and understand the beauty of both. He is of Persian heritage but was reared in the states (Tampa, Florida) since the tender age of six and raised by an adopted American family until the age twelve. His American father (George), a very intelligent family man, and a well respected professor at USFL in the field of film/television taught Shahin a great deal, not just in the arts, but also about Western culture, hard work, life, etc. Eventually Shahin's biological mother, a well known Persian pop star known as Fataneh, was able to finally migrate to the US and leave the Iran revolution of 1978 and reunite with her son. The family eventually moved to Hollywood, California, where she pursued her own dreams of a successful solo singing career. Having this unique experience and view of the world only brought Shahin closer in realizing his dreams as a creator, writer, director and actor. He eventually studied at HFI, under Dove Simmons workshop and eventually wrote, performed in, and produced several projects, and is actively developing new material.

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