Amelia Foxton_peliplat

Amelia Foxton

Director | Creation | Actress
Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Amelia is a multi-award winning filmmaker. She has performed the roles of screenwriter, director, editor, 1st AD and producer for a number of film and television projects, including her own films which have received multiple accolades around the globe. Amelia was recently awarded a funding grant by Creative Art Central to create her film 'Mother Tongue', which she is producing in collaboration with 9th Circle Entertainment and Eris Entertainment in 2022. Amelia is a Producer and Co-Director on the Australian TV Series, Pervert (in production). Amelia also performs the role of Jenna in the series. In recent years Amelia has been working both in front of and behind the camera for her own film pieces including 'Handled', a short film produced by Tom Gleeson and 9th Circle Entertainment (in post-production), her award-winning short film Salad Daze (2020) which has received 16 laurels from film festivals around the world including three wins of Best Short Film, an honorable mention and finalist and semi finalist nominations, and her COVID-19 lock-down women's film initiative, 'Exquisite Corpse' (2021), which received an honorable mention at Assurdo Film Festival and premiered at A Night of Horror International Film Festival in 2021. Amelia also write the TV series pilot, 'Lilith' (in development). A highly trained and versatile performer, Amelia completed several years of acting, singing & voice, stage-combat and dance training and has performed numerous roles in film, television, theatre, musical theatre and radio across the past three decades.

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