Ayman El Gazwy_peliplat

Ayman El Gazwy

Director | Creation
Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

The Egyptian Ayman was fifteen when his creative endeavors began. He participated in art exhibitions, sculpture and painting and was recognized with awards and accolades before a decision to explore and develop an expertise in filmmaking. As a director he has worked at the leading Egyptian TV and foreign networks for many years. He has extensive and broad experience in directing various productions ranging from documentaries, events, commercials, information programs and the news. Director and Producer, El Gazwy opened his company, BOGA LLC, in 2008 in Los Angeles with director Cristina Bocchialini. He recently completed "The curse of the sands", a documentary that he directed, filmed and edited with Cristina and that won the Golden Award for best documentary in human rights and freedom at the Al Jazeera International Film Festival in Qatar in 2010.

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