

Robbie DeRaffele was born on April 5th 1987 in Ridgewood N.J. He is most known for "Bull" 2016 and "By Dawn" 2017. He has a beautiful family of two older sisters named Catherine and Samantha, a mother and a father, who he is very grateful for. Robbie is currently taking Acting classes at Bergen Community College, his favorite being improv, while also enjoys writing and art. Long before acting, Robbie dreamed of playing professional basketball. He worked at it from his younger years up until about twenty one years old. He remembers on his 21st birthday shooting the ball around as it struck midnight, while everyone else was out partying taking shots. Robbie has grown as a person, and at 6'7, 225 lbs that is no lie. Growing up he worked at basketball so religiously nothing else interested him and his devotion became his downfall. He obsessed over the game and desperately needed to widen his horizon because it was no longer a career option. With Film and acting not yet introduced into his

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