Aleix Masferrer López_peliplat

Aleix Masferrer López

Director | Creation
Date of birth : No data
City of birth : No data

Aleix Masferrer López had written, produced and filmed seven short-length movies that won more than 30 awards and had been officially selected more than 100 times in independent film festivals worldwide. Aleix studied at ESCAC (Audiovisual and Cinema School of Catalonia), a film direction degree at Barcelona's school ITES and a master degree in Cinema Direction and Production at Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya/ECIB (Cinema School of Barcelona). During his master degree studies Aleix directed his first short-length movies Ya no te quiero (I don't love you anymore, 2008) and Despierta (Wake Up, 2008), this last one filmed in 35mm and starred by Bibiana Schönhöfer, it was released at the Fantasporto International Film Festival (Portugal) in 2009. During 2009, while he started working as the head of production in Canal Català TV, Aleix filmed three video-clips for the local band Barrionegro. In 2011 wrote, produced and filmed Rosas Rotas (Broken roses), starred by Lorena Franco, Bibiana Schönhöfer and the Goya awards nominated actress Macarena Gómez. In 2012 directed a TV commercial contest for the cava (catalan champagne) brand Freixenet and starred by Lorena Franco and Noé Blancafort. In 2013 worked as producer of Cuní al Dia at 8TV. In 2014 directed the official video-clip of the Pride Parade of Barcelona A new illusion by Olaya. In 2017 wrote, produced and directed his fourth short-length movie La Otra (The other woman), starred by Nur Ayiza. This film obtained 6 awards and 4 nominations in International film festivals as the Best Director Award in the 12 Months Film Festival of Romania, the Jury's Special Mention Award of the Oriana Awards or the Audience Award in the Venezuela's Feslacor Film Festival. During 2017 Aleix also worked as a producer of the National news channel of Mediaset España. At the end of 2018 wrote, co-produced and directed his fifth short-length movie Madre reflejo (Reflection mother, Fuera de Campo Films) and was starred by Nur Aiza. Madre reflejo was awarded with the Best Fiction Film award in the 12 Months Films Festival of Romania 2020, Best Drama Movie Award in the Barcelona Fiction Film Festival 2020 or the Best Director Nomination in the Oriana Awards 2020. In 2020 released his sixth short-length movie written, produced and directed by Aleix: Abril (April). This was a very special movie as it was written, directed and filmed during the pandemic closure. It received the Best Mini Movie Award at The miniindie Film Festival 2020 and the Best International Screenplay Award at the BIMIFF Brazil International Independent Film Festival 2020, among others. In 2021 Aleix released Tina. La cuarta víctima (Tina. Victim number 4), a feminist project of social complaint. This last short-length movie had been selected in the Official Selection of 14 Independent Film Festivals. This movie won 6 awards as The Best Director Award in The Indie for you Film Festival 2022 (Los Angeles, California), Best Actress Award in the WICA 2022. (NY, New York) or the Best Short-length Movie Award in the BIMIFF 2022 (Brazil), among others. Aleix is currently working on the screenplay of his first long-length movie La última llamada (The last call).

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