

  • Royalty
Total: 319
A Christmas in Royal Fashion_peliplat

A Christmas in Royal Fashion (2018)

90 min  |  Romance

It's the Christmas season. Kristin has recently started working as the Executive Assistant to Melanie Charles, the demanding President/CEO of Los Angeles based Charles Global PR. While Kristin is as demanding of herself as Melanie is of her staff in general, she would like Melanie to see her as more than just a glorified gopher. Despite being nervous about the opportunity, she may get her chance when Melanie is called away at the last minute to Boston to meet a potential new client, leaving Kristin in charge of meeting with the Ambassador of Edgemoor, its monarchy which is partnering with the company's biggest client, Dan Carson of Carson Designs, for a charity fashion show on December 23rd, proceeds going to a children's hospital. Kristin's job is basically to smooth the waters with the Ambassador and as need be Carson until Melanie returns. Upon the delegation of Edgemoor's arrival in Los Angeles, Kristin finds that it is not the Ambassador that has been sent, but rather Prince Patrick himself and his aide, Albert. Wanting to seem more important in putting the company in a good light, Kristin, following on her colleague and best friend Jill's initial play, presents herself as not an assistant but rather Melanie herself. Kristin finds that she can extend the ruse as Melanie ends up being snowed-in in Boston. On the flip side, Patrick has been sent by his father, King Frederick, to show some responsibility to his royal duties, he, in his irresponsibility, more often than not tabloid fodder in his exploits. In their time together, Patrick not only begins to show some true caring for the charity work, but also begins to have feelings for Kristin, those feelings returned by her. A happily-ever-after for them is hindered by the truth eventually coming to light, especially as Kristin's competitive colleague, Josh, if he knew what was going on, would be more than happy to expose Kristin as a fraud.

Victoria the Great_peliplat

Victoria the Great (1937)

112 min  |  Drama, Biography, History

The story opens on the morning of 20 June 1837, when the Lord Chamberlain and Archbishop of Canterbury arrive to inform young Princess Victoria that her uncle, William IV, is dead, and that she is now queen. The new queen's mother and her adviser, Baron Stockmar, have been used to seeing their opinions prevail with Victoria, but now she is on the throne, she makes an effort to assert herself and show that she will not be a mere puppet. However, she agrees to confirm Prime Minister, Lord Melbourne in his place. Melbourne advises Victoria to marry, and suggests her German cousin, Prince Albert. The two appear incompatible but soon find that they are in love. As Prince Consort, Albert becomes frustrated that he is given no role in governing the country and by his powerless role as husband to the queen. Though Sir Robert Peel suggests that Victoria share some of the burdens of the crown with her husband, she refuses, on the grounds that the people would reject Albert as an interfering foreigner. Victoria's domination over her husband even includes her refusal to allow him to smoke his pipe, and this soon becomes a proxy battleground for their different perspectives. Victoria finally realises her error, and Albert becomes her trusted adviser, after he instinctively throws himself forward to protect her from an assassin's bullet. Victoria is then involved in a political crisis, as the Chartist movement gathers pace. Peel addresses the House of Commons, and as a result the Corn Laws, a tax on grain which was at the bottom of much of the popular discontent, are repealed. However, Albert is criticised following his appearance in the House of Commons. Albert's health is in decline, but he intervenes in another international crisis, preventing Lord Palmerston from sending an aggressive letter to Abraham Lincoln, who credits this with avoiding a war between the United States and Great Britain. After Albert's untimely death, and despite the protestations of her advisers and the ordinary people, Victoria disappears into a self-imposed purdah, until persuaded by Gladstone to return to an active public life. We leave her celebrating her Diamond Jubilee in 1897.

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