

Born June 20, 1937 in Moscow. His father - a biologist, his mother - a doctor. In 1955 he entered the Faculty of Biology, Moscow State University, where he studied with Vladimir Pozner, but after the second year he transferred to the Faculty of Geography. In 1959 he graduated from the Faculty of Geography Moscow State University, specializing in geography ". Ph.D. in Geography. . After graduation he worked at the Department of Biogeography, Faculty of Geography, Moscow State University researcher, senior researcher, an assistant professor. . From 1968 he worked at the USSR Central Television Broadcaster. . Since 1977 is the leading weekly science and education program "In the world of animals" on the I channel, continuing to work at MSU. . Was the lead consultant and shestiseriynogo documentary film "The Kingdom of the Russian bear" BBC television production of the BBC. . In November 1997, co-founded the magazine "In the world of animals." . In 1995 the program "In the world of animals

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