The highlight is the show House of The Dragon, which showcased a trailer that continues the conflicts driven by the quarrel over the throne between the families of Alicent and Rhaenyra in Westeros. More than armies, the quarrel also has dragons, which makes the battle even more impressive.
Steve Toussaint and Ewan Mitchell, stars in House of The Dragon, participated in the HBO panel that talked about the second season of the show. The actors were surprised by the affection of Brazilians.
“It’s my first time in Brazil. Can’t believe it took me so long to be here”, cheered Steve, who plays Lord Corlys Velaryon in the show.
“I took all the love from Brazil and transformed it into strength to play the role. Thank you, Brazil”, said Ewan Mitchell, who plays Aemond Targaryen.
According to Ewan Mitchell (Aemond Targaryen), the second season has everything to be thrilling, and it’s going to expand even further the universe created by George R. R. Martin.
“In the first season, we got to know a lot about the families, all in an absurd atmosphere of tension that made it easy to start a bloodshed. Whether or not Aemond was the first to do it”, said the actor. “Mark my words, Brazil: in the second season, there is no more tension. We are at war”.
Steve Toussaint, on the other hand, went on to say that the show will have more action and war scenes. “You know, I can’t say much, but I can reveal that we’ll definitely have more dragons, and they are faster, bigger, and will be in epic scenes. We also have a perfect film set; I can say my character’s ship is amazing”, he added.
Although a release date has not been set yet, House of The Dragon will release its second season during the winter of 2024, between June and September.
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