Kally's Mashup
Círculo de Fogo
Gladiador II
RoboCop: O Policial do Futuro
A Viagem de Chihiro
Quando o Telefone Toca
Mea Culpa
O Que Tiver Que Ser
Culpa nuestra
O outrora poderoso rei Saul é vítima de seu próprio orgulho, como um pastor marginalizado, Davi é ungido como o segundo rei.
Tomb: The Metamorphosis of Kitra Hanson
Masters of Valor: Soldiers of Distinction - The Untold Stories
The Shah. The Spy. The Madman.
Blacks, Blues, Black!
Hero Live: The Amazing Trade Shop Math Race
2015 Nephilim, Monsters & Giants Conference
America's Most Badass
Ancient Roads from Christ to Constantine
Drive by History
Style Unzipped
Egyptian Vice
Mary & George
Britain's Forgotten Slave Owners
The Second World War in Colour
Andrew Marr's The Making of Modern Britain
World War One Remembered: Passchendaele
Os Espiões
Shooting the Past
The 1900 House
Our Friends in the North
The Hanging Gale
The Power of Nightmares
Great Commanders and Battles of the Civil War
The Sacred History of the Rosicrucians
The Dish 101 Lost Media Hunt
History of Pirates
Desvendando o Passado
Mummies Never Die
Black History in Two Minutes (or so)
Eating History
Battle in the Holy City
Book of Mormon Videos
The Witchfinder General
Confidências Muito Íntimas
Marilyn Alive and Behind Bars