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What's the Longest Drivable Distance on Earth?
Data de estreia: 2017-08-31
The Not-So-Simple Process of Deciphering Hieroglyphs
Data de estreia: 2017-10-26
Why the US' Land is Blocky
Data de estreia: 2017-11-09
The Fake Neighborhoods on Google Maps
Data de estreia: 2018-09-13
What's the Furthest You Could Travel Without a Passport?
Data de estreia: 2019-01-24
Why Every Map of China is Just Slightly Wrong
Data de estreia: 2019-03-28
The Law That Lets You Legally Steal Houses
Data de estreia: 2019-06-06
The US' Terrible Mistake of Selling $1 Coins for $1
Data de estreia: 2019-08-29
United Airlines' Men-Only Flights
Data de estreia: 2020-04-14
Why There's a Single, Tiny Wire Encircling Manhattan
Data de estreia: 2020-05-07
Why (Almost) Nobody Lives in China's $161 Billion City
Data de estreia: 2020-07-23
The Seven People Who Can Turn Off the Internet
Data de estreia: 2020-07-30
The Strange Reason Why the US Owes London £12,598,845
Data de estreia: 2020-09-10
Why 200-ish Americans Live in North Korea
Data de estreia: 2020-11-10
How the QWERTY Keyboard Broke the Chinese Language
Data de estreia: 2020-12-22
Why There's an American National Park in Canada
Data de estreia: 2021-01-19
Why North Korea Has a Ski Resort
Data de estreia: 2021-03-29
How North Korea Made the Perfect Counterfeit $100 Bill
Data de estreia: 2021-06-18
Why There are 1.5 Million Small Metal Markers Across the US
Data de estreia: 2021-07-11
How to Decode Credit Card Numbers
Data de estreia: 2021-08-03
Why Humans Are Supposed to Sleep in Two 4-Hour Phases
Data de estreia: 2021-08-12
Why This 25,000 Foot Mountain Has Never Been Climbed
Data de estreia: 2021-09-10
The Weirdly Big Problem of Being Declared Dead Accidentally
Data de estreia: 2021-09-30
Canada's 100-Foot Freight Railway to Nowhere
Data de estreia: 2021-11-11
Why 17 Million Telegrams Are Still Sent Every Year
Data de estreia: 2021-11-18
How Blink 182 violated the Geneva Conventions
Data de estreia: 2021-11-22
Why Planes Fly Over the North Pole but Not the South Pole
Data de estreia: 2021-12-09
Why Sweden is Moving Its Northernmost Town 2 Miles East
Data de estreia: 2021-12-16
The Real Reason NYC is Always Covered in Scaffolding
Data de estreia: 2021-12-23
Who Officially Decides What Time It Is?
Data de estreia: 2021-12-31
The Bug That Created "Free Public Wifi" Networks That Didn't Work
Data de estreia: 2022-01-06
Why Flights Through China Take Such Weird Routes
Data de estreia: 2022-01-22
How Disney Legally Issued its Own Currency for 29 Years
Data de estreia: 2022-02-11
Why There's an Empty Skyscraper in the Middle of Times Square
Data de estreia: 2022-02-16
How to Start Your Own Town
Data de estreia: 2022-02-19
The Glitch that Kept Sending the FBI to a Tiny Kansas Farm
Data de estreia: 2022-02-28
Why Hundreds of Mazdas Tuned to 94.9 Broke Simultaneously
Data de estreia: 2022-03-02
How Stenographers Type at 300 Words Per Minute
Data de estreia: 2022-04-21
Why the United Nations Runs Its Own Airline
Data de estreia: 2022-06-30
The CIA's Manual on How to be Annoying
Data de estreia: 2022-07-08
Why the US Keeps Trying to Buy Greenland
Data de estreia: 2022-07-19
The US Army's Universal Camouflage: A Terrible Mistake
Data de estreia: 2022-10-15
Somaliland Is Independent. So Why Does No One Reconize It?
Data de estreia: 2022-11-01
Toki Pona: The Language You Can Learn in a Day
Data de estreia: 2022-12-15
The Weirdly Massive Problem of Blocked Public Land
Data de estreia: 2022-12-22
How the US Sends Top Secret Information Around The World
Data de estreia: 2022-12-30
How Amish People Get Around Not Using Electricity
Data de estreia: 2023-02-05
Why the US Gov Reshapes the Mississippi River
Data de estreia: 2023-02-17
The Genius $250 Toll Road from Minnesota to Minnesota
Data de estreia: 2023-02-22
How Science made you Finally like Brussels Sprouts
Data de estreia: 2023-02-24
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