Mark Stevenson
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
James Ellis
Self - Host
Anthony Cantor
Self - Historian
Guy Walters
Matthew Shane
Self - Associate Professor, Forensic Psychology - Expertise Psychopathy
Michael Trammer
Self - Freelance Photojournalist
Magnus Brechtken
Self - Deputy Director, Institut für Zeitgeschichte
Stefanie Fischer
Self - Center for Research on Antisemitism, Technical University Berlin
Tobias Freimüller
Self - Deputy Director, Research - Fritz Bauer Institute
Jens Rommel
Self - Central Office of the Land Judicial Authorities for the Investigation of National Socialist Crimes
Christian Goeschel
Self - Historian and Author, Mussolini and Hitler: The Forging of a Fascist Alliance
Niklas Frank
Self - Author, Son of Hans Frank
Florian Schimikowski
Self - Scientific Associate, German Spy Museum
Kevin Hoskins
Self - Nuremberg Tours in English
Carola Dahlke
Self - Curator of Computer Science and Cryptology, Deutsches Museum
Jörg Braunsdorf
Self - Owner, Tucholsky Bookstore
Sven Keller
Self - Historian, Institute of Contemporary History
Josua Fink
Self - German Museum Flugwerft Schleißheim
Aleksandra Loewenau
Self - Project Coordinator, Brain Research at Institutes of the Kaiser Wilhelm Society
Richard Bowen
Self - Expert, Context Travel
Ibo Omari
Self - Owner, Legacy Graffiti Store
Jann Witt
Self - Historian. Technical Museum U-995
Robert Giersch
Gisela Heidenreich
Self - Author, The Endless Year - A Lebenshorn Destiny
Henning Grunwald
Self - Lecturer in Modern European History at Faculty of History, University of Cambridge
Alexa Karolinski
Self - Filmmaker
Astrid Ley
Self - Assistant Director, Sachsenhausen Memorial and Museum
Francesca Pajno
Self - Guide, Associazione Roma Sotterranea
Markus Moors
Self - Curator, Kreismuseum Wewelsburg
Heiko Suhr
René Senenko
Self - Activist
Hartmut Grätz
Self - Tour Guide, StattReisen Berlin
Hamid Nowzari
Self - Director, The Society of Iranian Refugees in Berlin
Susanne Willems
Self - Historian and Author
Teresa Wontor-Cichy
Self - Historian, Research Center at Memorial and Museum Auschwitz-Birkenau
Christoph Kreutzmüller
Self - Curator, Jewish Museum Berlin
Marcus Meyer
Self - Director, Valentin Bunker
Mino Carbone
Self - Professor, ILS Leonardo da Vinci - Roma
Sebastian Gerhardt
Self - Historian and Educator
Alexander Pearman
Self - Archivist, Dachau Concentration Camp Memorial Site
Hans-Christian Jasch
Self - Director, House of the Wannsee Conference
Mateusz Gawlik
Self - Historian, Home Army Museum
Francesco Sardone
Self - Director, Mausoleo dele Fosse Ardeatine
Johannes Tuchel
Self - Director, German Resistance Memorial Centre
Dieter Pust
Aleksandra Zaprutko-Janicka
Lothar Heinke
Self - Journalist
Yoav Sapir
Self - History Guide, Jewish Berlin Heritage Tours
Terry Swartzberg
Self - Munich Stolpersteine Initiative
Nicholas Jackson
Volker Knopf
Self - Author and Göring Expert
Hildegard Kronawitter
Self - Chair, White Rose Memorial Foundation
Giorgio Frassineti
Self - Mayor of Predappio