Solo Leveling: Segundo Despertar
O Amor Acontece
Valle Salvaje
Accidental Surrogate for Alpha
Solo Leveling
Uma Ideia de Você
La Casa de los Famosos Colombia
365 Dias
Quando as Luzes se Apagam
Dan Clifton
Gary Johnstone
Bill Lyons
Jeremy Freeston
Mark Lewis
Mark Halliley
Charlie Smith
Alexander Marengo
Emma Whitlock
Henry Singer
Alex Hearle
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Stephen Rashbrook
Self - Narrator
Piers Gibbon
Malin Holst
Self - Bone Specialist, University of Bradford
Self - Commentary
Jack Fortune
Sanjeev Bhaskar
Samuel West
Rafael Camposeco
Reconstruction Actor
Nigel Lambert
David Haig
Captain Scott Readings
Hugo Ateo
Andrew MacLachlan
Emil Herrera
Chris Stringer
Self - Natural History Museum, London
James Sharpe
Self - Witchcraft Historian
Maurice Moss
Self - Fungal Toxicologist
Christopher Knusel
Self - Biological Anthropologist, Bradford University
Linnda R. Caporael
Self - Behavioural Psychologist
Pramod Saxena
Self - Pharmacologist
Jane Evans
Self - Isotope Scientist, British Geological Survey
Annette Damm
Self - Moesgård Museum
Christopher Ramsey
Self - Radiocarbon Laboratory, Oxford University
Sarah Semple
Self - Archaeologist, Queen's College, Oxford
Alison D'Amario
Self - Salem Historian
Marthe Espic
Janet Montgomery
Self - Archaeological Chemist, Bradford University
Peter Marshall
Self - Archaeologist, English Heritage
Peter Houghton
Self - Plant Pharmacologist
David Sim
Self - Archaeologist, Reading University
Andrew Reynolds
Self - Medieval Archaeologist, UCL
Mary Matossian
Self - Historian
Alun Howkins
Self - Agricultural Historian
Jacqueline McKinley
Self - Osteoarchaeologist, Wessex Archaeology
Mike Fulford
Self - Roman Archaeologist, Reading University
Gordon Hillman
Self - Palaeobotanist
Martin Carver
Self - Sutton Hoo Research Director, York University
Sarah King
Self - Archaeologist, York University
Isabelle Payan
Justin Champion
Steven O'Brian
John Clifford
Ranulph Fiennes
Self - Explorer: Crossed Antarctica in 1981 & 1993
Diana Preston
Self - Author: 'A First Rate Tragedy'
Michel Ducharme
Self - Cold Physiologist, Defence & Civil Institute of Environmental Medicine, Canada
Jean Craig
Self - Daughter of George Simpson
Susan Solomon
Self - Climatologist & Author: 'The Coldest March'
Frederick Zugibe
Self - Forensic Pathologist
Stephen J. Mattingly
Self - Microbiologist
Aldo Guerreschi
Self - Shroud Specialist
Robert Hedges
Self - Carbon Dating Team Leader
Mark Guscin
Mechthild Flury-Lemberg
Self - Textiles Historian & Conservator
Ian Wilson
Barrie Schwortz
Self - STURP Photographer
Nicholas Allen
Self - Art Historian
Christian Jull
Stone-age worshipper (uncredited)