Stephen Phelps
Steve Haywood
Oliver Horsbrugh
Bob Duffield
Victor Melleney
Lin Solomon
Stephen Rankin
Greg Lanning
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
David Jessel
Self - Reporter
Biddy Cole
Jane Bowler
Steve Duffy
Anthony Scrivener
Self - Former Bar Council Chairman
Alistair Wilson
Self - The Royal Hospitals Trust
John Carrol
Self - Campbell & Steele's Solicitor
Graham Davies
Self - Leicester University
Angela Gallop
Self - Forensic Access
Brice Pitt
Self - Prof. Psychiatry of Old Age
Archie Young
Self - Professor in Geriatric Medicine, Royal Free Hospital
Iain West
Self - Forensic Pathologist
Bernard Knight
Self - Univ. of Wales College of Medicine
Audrey Giles
Self - Forensic Document Examiner
Tony Sands
Mark Cleary
Christine Hoodith
Mary Druhan
Stuart Wilkinson
Raymond Gilmour
Liz Campion
Kimberley Stadden
Simon Napper
Peter Fell
Maeve Leslie
Sheila Bowler
Stewart Porter
George McPhee
Jason Perryman
Jason Warr
Christopher Howard
Deborah Fox
Paula Gilfoyle
Fi Glover
Self - Co-Host
Liam Dolan
Alan Austen
Nick Tucker
Gerard Bell
Bob Smith
Stuart Egdell
Wayne Keeton
John Stahl
Det Sup Brown
Paul Gale
DCI Long
Shyro Chung
Conduit Street Actor
Gladis Robinson
Florence Jackson
John Hug
Luke Kelly
Victor Bruce
Colin Hawkins
Steve Brody
Eddie Gilfoyle
Michael Elder
Holly McGrath
Dijana Dudukovic
David Allsopp
Philip Atherton
Tony Walton
Kenny Roberts
Ian Ricketts
Mr. Soan
Stephen Reynolds
DS Searle
Bill Barclay
DS Blair
Paul Cowan
Alan McCafferty
Paul Hegarty
Patrick Randolph
Dougie Robertson
Valerie Carroll
Carol Tucker
Karen Seacombe
Susan Brealey
John Atkinson
Joe Neary
Patrick Marlowe
DS Vincent
Shirley Chantrell
Mrs. Soan
Derwent Watson
DCI McMath
Jon Deverell
Terence Booth
David Garry
Alexander West
Robert Goodman
Keith Fludgate
Rosalind Paul
Teresa Cole
Bill Armour
Det Sup Craig
Norma Howard
Margaret Johnson
Nicola Meering
WDS Booth
Shaun Harris
Clive Hurst
Ray Sumby
Wayne Goddard
Michael Cleary
Allan Sharpe
DCI Corrie
James Miles
Police Officer
Gerri Smith
Ann Lee
Bernard Hughes
Sim Leeson
David Dexter
Steve Barnett
David Gallacher
DC Love
Wilfred Harrison
Courtroom Actor
Clive Norman
Sophie Heydel
Patricia Varley
James Leith
Robert Carr
DS Mair
Adrian Bell
Richard Pescud
Malcolm Cooper
Marianne Murphy
Pauline Bain
Claire Cairns
Susan McManus
Rupert Smith
Courtroom Actor - Dr Fletcher
Jon Anton
Knife Balancer
Stephen Jones
Self - Home Office Pathologist
Jeremy Coid
Self - Barts Hospital
Steve Snow
Self - Witness
Steven Dawson
Debra Bekerian
Self - Research Scientist
Mark Talbot
Anne Owers
Self - Director, 'Justice'
Reece Packard
Paul Welch
Richard Burgess
Bridie Williams
Self - Sister
Josephine Burgess
Bob 'Starry Eyes' Smith
Stephanie Rawden
Michael Ryan
Self - Defence Witness
Marilyn Dawson
Simon Ham
Self - Fire Analyst
Ron Birkett
Self - Cleary's Solicitor
Barrie Irving
Self - Forensic Psychologist
Rob Smith
David Evans
Brian Birchnall
Maxine Toulson
Adrian Rhodes
Malcolm Coulthard
Self - Birmingham University
Hamish McColl
Vesna Djurovic
Self - Defence Pathologist
Michael Mansfield
Donald Trunkey
Christina Gilmour
Self - Mother
Sam Young
Conrad Gadd
Self - Trial Solicitor for Mills and Poole
John Harper
Fay McLaughlin
Self - Wiltshire's Widow
Marion McDougall
Greg Pope
Dave Bolton
David Maundrell
Self - Former Vicar of Rye
Michael Kitson
Andrew Sanders
Self - Dept of Criminology, Oxford Univ.
Roy Churcher
Gordon Gilmour
Self - Brother
Anthony Hooper
Jean Stone
Tom Day
Laurence Briggs
Self - Husband of Former Housemother
Paul Davies
Self - Fell's Brother
Jenny Day
Shirley Hewer
Joe Hutcheson
Eric Shepherd
Helen Goodwin
Christine White
Marc Keable
Mary Milne
Paul Griffin
Self - Duty Solicitor
Mark Singh
Robert Olding
Self - Trichologist
Jacqueline Mitchell
Arup Chaudhuri
Self - Police Surgeon
Chris Pankhurst
Tim Lordan
Clive Candy
Self - Forensic Scientist
Neville Jukes
Lucy Rees
Self - Senior Physiotherapist, The Conquest Hospital
Christopher Gane
Self - Professor of Law, Aberdeen University
James Galbraith
Gordon Ritchie
Self - Gilmour's Solicitor
Robin Ilbert
Self - HM Prison, Winchester
Andrew Neal
Douglas French
Self - Conservative, Gloucester
Wali Jeelani
Self - Flo Jackson's GP
Chris Mullin
Damon Anacreonte
Harry Fletcher
Self - National Association of Probation Officers
Jim Cosby
Alistair Bellingham
Self - Royal College of Pathologists
Lucy Omezi
Self - Former Project Worker, Kennedy Court
Terry Merston
Self - Former Scenes of Crime Officer
Robert Gow
Declan Murray
Self - Consultant Psychiatrist, Institute of Psychiatry
Max Scuza
Barry Poyner
Self - Co-Author 'Guidelines for the Identification of Drowning Hazards'
Roger Berrett
Ian Smales
Self - Former Associate
Mike Harrow
Self - Image Analyst
Mike Robinson
Self - Philips Car Systems
Dan Waterhouse
Albert Hunt
Will Bain
Jan Stuart
Self - Forensic Engineering Associates
Brian Ross
Heath Powell
Self - Former Site Supervisor
Charles Royle
Self - Mrs. Bowler's Senior Solicitor at Appeal
Jacqui Castle
Self - Victim's Widow
Stuart Brown
John Hubbard
Self - Former Garage Owner
Nick Falk
Ryan Smith
Ian Harris
Self - Former Colleague
Stephen Nunn
Self - Parsons's Solictor
John Kiddey
Self - Westcountry Television
Keith Turner
Robert Trow
Hamish Fraser
Self - Former Police Committee Member
Jonathan Clarke
Self - Retired Judge
George Baillie
Pauline Crofts
Maureen Sallnow
Tim Devlin
Gary Emerton
Charles Newton
Self - Managing Director, G.H. Newton Ltd.
James Minton
Self - Former Roads Supervisor
Elizabeth Hickling
Self - Sheila Bowler's Stepdaughter
Alf Cosby
Michael Meaden
Sue Caddick
Self - Gilfoyle's Sister
Marlene Thomas
Jessie Gilfoyle
John Wroe
Self - Solicitor
Des Pawson
Self - International Guild of Knot Tyers
Geoffrey Oxlee
Self - Kalagate Ltd.
Penny Jones
Paul Caddick
Self - Former Police Officer
Norman Gilfoyle
Sharon Chowdhary
Jackie King
Self - Southwark Consumer & Money Advice Centre
John Cole
Anne Herreboudt
Self - Midwife Counsellor, St John & St Elizabeth Hospital
Jamie Chowdhary
Dave Burden
Rajinder Dhaliwal
Winifreda Brannan
Jack Weir
Self - Former Consultant Psychiatrist, St Mary's, London
Alexandra Bridgeman
Joyce Preston
Self - Supervisor at Hospital
Campbell Malone
Self - Gilfoyle's Solicitor at Appeal
Abdul-Rahim Dhaliwal
Bobby Chowdhary
Self - No Relation
Anna Armbruster
James Burns
Self - Home Office Forensic Pathologist
Tim Pat Coogan
Self - Author, 'The IRA'
Tim Sheldon
Andrew Somers
Philip Kamara
Donnalchadh Lehane
Renee Cole
Self - McNamee's Sister
Robert Parry
Self - Kamara's Former MP
Peter Swann
Self - Fingerprint Analyst
Mike Scott
Self - Dublin City University
Rock Tansey
John Gibbons
Self - Headmaster
Maria O'Reilly
Self - Liverpool 8 Law Centre
Eamonn Donnelly
Self - Asst. Head of St Patrick's Primary School
David Williams
Self - Deputy Headmaster
Dessie Ellis
Michael Birnbaum
Chris Guidio
Owen Lewis
Self - Consultant in Information Security
Gordon Fife
Alan Gayle
Arthur Mairah
Francis McNamee
Self - Danny McNamee's Brother
Anthony Mahon
Self - Granger's Solicitor
Angela Devlin
Self - Family Friend
Thomas Campbell
Joseph Granger
Agnes Lafferty
Ewen Smith
Billy Love
Jeremy Roberts
Agnes Carlton
Self - Eyewitness & Billy Love's Sister
Liz Campbell
Robert Cameron
Self - Eyewitness
Patrick Thomas
Self - Junior Counsel
Alan Miller
Self - Professor of Law
Donald Findlay
Joseph Steele
Tam Neil
Self - Boyhood Friend
Frank Falloon
Self - Convicted Van Smasher
Lyn Chalmers
Self - Granger's Girlfriend