Marisa Appugliesi
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Martin Gilbert
Self - Presenter
Pamela Harriman
Self - Daughter-in-Law
Lady Mary Soames
Self - Daughter
Grace Hamblin
Self - Secretary, 1932-1965
Ted Willis
Self - British Army, 1939-1945
Winston Churchill Jr.
Self - Grandson
Barbara Castle
Self - Labour MP, 1945
George Strauss
Self - Labour MP 1934-1979
Julian Amery
Self - Conservative MP, 1950-1966
Anthony Storr
Self - Psychiatrist & Author
John Colville
Self - Principal Private Secretary, 1951-1955 (Interviewed 1977)
Patrick Kinna
Self - Churchill's shorthand writer, 1941-1945
Ian Jacob
Self - Military Assistant Secretary, War Cabinet 1939-1946
Phyllis Forbes
Self - Secretary
William Hayter
Self - British Embassy, Washington, 1941
Douglas Fairbanks Jr.
Anthony Montague Browne
Self - Private Secretary, 1952-1965
Marian Holmes
Self - Secretary 1940-1945
Caspar Weinberger
Self - Intelligence Officer, United States Army
R.V. Jones
Self - Scientific Intelligence, 1936-1939
Valentin Berezhkov
Self - Stalin's Interpreter
Elizabeth Nel
Self - Secretary 1941-1945
David Hunt
Self - Chief Intelligence Officer to Field Marshal Alexander
Edgar Williams
Self - British 8th Army 1943
Alec Douglas-Home
Self - Parliamentary Private Secretary to Chamberlain, 1937-1940
Frank Roberts
Self - British Minister in Moscow 1945-1947
John Peck
Self - Private Secretary, 1940-1945
Quintin Hogg
Self - Conservative MP, 1938
Evelyn Shuckburgh
Self - British Diplomat 1933-1969
John Boyd-Carpenter
Financial Secretary, Treasury 1951-1954
Alastair Forbes
Self - Writer and Journalist
Cecily Gemmell
Self - Secretary, 1949-1955
Roy Jenkins
Self - Labour MP 1948-1976
Edward Thomas
Self - Naval Intelligence, 1940
Jane Portal
Self - Secretary, 1950-1955
Tim Pat Coogan
Self - Irish Historian
Josef Kowal
Self - Polish Army 1939-1945
Anthony Barne
Self - British Army 1945
Ruth Sarles Benedict
Self - 'America First', 1940
Claude de Kemoularia
Self - French Diplomat
Fred Ravey
Self - Derbyshire Miner, 1926
Leah Moss
Self - Resident Sidney Street, 1911
Denis Kelly
Self - Literary Researcher to Churchill
Ralph Martin
Self - War Correspondent 1945
Dimitri Volkogonov
Self - Military Historian, U.S.S.R.
Jimmy Page
Self - British Army, Dardanelles 1915
Andy Doyle
Self - Son of Member of Irish Republican Brotherhood, 1922
David Fraser
Self - Military Historian
John McGuire
Self - Batman to Churchill, 1916
Robert Dine
Self - French Navy, 1940
A.J. Sylvester
Self - Principal Secretary to Lloyd George, 1923-1945
Wendy Reves
Stefan Lorant
Self - Editor, Picture Post, 1938
Trumbull Warren
Self - ADC to Field Marshal Montgomery
John Hope
Self - Conservative MP, 1945-1964
Richard Pankurst
Self - Son of Suffragette leader
Merrill Pasco
Self - General Marshall's Personal Staff 1941-1945
Jack Layden
Self - Yorkshire Mining Family, 1926
Claude Bouchinet-Serreulles
Self - Free French Forces, London 1940
Elizabeth Gilliatt
Self - Secretary, 1945-1955
Winston Churchill
Self (archiveFootage)
Clementine Churchill
Randolph Churchill
Self (interviewed 1966)
Paul Reynaud
Self (interviewed 1965)
Adolf Hitler
Self (uncredited) (archiveFootage)
Queen Elizabeth II
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Harry S. Truman
Joseph Stalin
Dwight D. Eisenhower
Charles de Gaulle
Neville Chamberlain
Anthony Eden
Bernard L. Montgomery
E.F.L. Wood
Clement Attlee