Skins: Juventude à Flor da Pele
Doentes de Amor
Um Amor Inesperado
Uma Família Perfeita
Sua Culpa
Uma Ideia de Você
O Amor Acontece
Um Drink no Inferno
Branca de Neve
Crônica de uma Morte Anunciada
Nigel Paterson
Jasper James
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Kenneth Branagh
Stockard Channing
Narrator (U.S.A Version)
Larry Agenbroad
Self - of University of Northern Arizona
Frank Fish
Self - of West Chester University
Larry Witmer
Self - of Ohio University
Maureen O'Leary
Self - of State University of New York at Stony Brook
Mark Uhen
Self - of Cranbrook Institute of Science
Scott E. Foss
Self - of John Day Fossil Beds National Park
Kent Sundell
Self - of Casper College, Wyoming
Japeth Boyce
Self - of Rapid City, South Dakota
Donald Prothero
Self - of Occidental College
Leslie Aiello
Self - of University College, London
Bob Brain
Self - of Transvaal Museum, Pretoria
Blaire Van Valkenburgh
Self - of University of California
Alan Turner
Self - of Liverpool John Moores University
Michael J. Benton
Self - of University of Bristol, UK
Michael Bisson
Self - of McGill University
Cong Liu
Narrator: China
Karyn Drane
Primitive Human
Cory Generoux
Lorne Duquette
Delvin Opissinow
Vernon Knight
Miltos Yerolemou
Rena Ermine
Samantha Seager
Jamsier Xiro
Narrator: Japan
Rodrigo Criago
Narrator: Brazil
Dermort Duzajey
Narrator: Russia
Tom Wilson