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The Tell-Tale Poem/Creepie Meets Tarantula Boy
Data de estreia: 2006-09-09
The Scared Twitch Project/Frogenstein
Data de estreia: 2006-09-16
Bug It On/The Case of the Mysterious Moth
Data de estreia: 2006-09-23
Attack of the Wasp Zombies/Legend of the Locker
Data de estreia: 2006-10-14
Bite Nite/Night of Fright
Data de estreia: 2006-10-28
Roaché Motel/Little Greenhouse of Horrors
Data de estreia: 2006-11-04
Field of Screams/Mom Under Glass
Data de estreia: 2006-11-25
Goth to Have Better Friends/Wax Attacks
Data de estreia: 2007-01-13
Headless Roach Man/Invasion of the Locusts
Data de estreia: 2007-01-20
Creepie's Living Doll/Operation Monarch Liberation
Data de estreia: 2007-01-27
Bait and Switch/Shutterbug
Data de estreia: 2007-04-02
Bad Karma Chameleon/Home Is Where the Haunt Is
Data de estreia: 2007-04-07
Creepie Friday/The Final Curtain
Data de estreia: 2007-04-28
Creepie and the Candy Factory/Ice Bug Cometh
Data de estreia: 2007-05-26
Are You Afraid of the Moths/Revenge of the Water Bug
Data de estreia: 2007-01-01
Nightmare on Locust Lane/The Mummy's Curse
Data de estreia: 2007-10-13
Children of the Pumpkin Patch/Night of a Thousand Legs
Data de estreia: 2007-09-28
Lice Lice Baby/Scorpiophobia
Data de estreia: 2007-11-10
On Thin Ice/Toxic Mutant Millipede
Data de estreia: 2007-11-24
I Was a Teenage Wolf Bug/Outta Sight Space Bowl Night
Data de estreia: 2007-12-08
Rockabye Freakie/Creep of the Deep
Data de estreia: 2008-01-12
Going for Brogue/Yellow Jacket Racket
Data de estreia: 2008-01-26
The Return of Tarantula Boy/All the President's Pests
Data de estreia: 2008-02-09
Creep of the Crop/Creepy Cousin
Data de estreia: 2008-03-01
Creepie Crawling/Fashion Victim
Data de estreia: 2008-04-12
Wanna Bee/The Haunting of Tiki Lagoon
Data de estreia: 2008-06-21
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