Steve Goodman
Peter B. Snyder
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Neil Cavuto
Self - Host
Charles Payne
Self - Panelist
Adam Lashinsky
Charles Gasparino
Dagen McDowell
Ben Stein
Gina Loudon
Self - Radio & TV Host
Elizabeth MacDonald
Kayleigh McEnany
Melissa Francis
Gerri Willis
Self - Guest Panelist
Gary Kaltbaum
David Asman
Jonathan Hoenig
Michelle Fields
Self - NextGeneration.TV Correspondent
Julie Roginsky
Lisa Kennedy Montgomery
Sandra Smith
Gary B. Smith
Self (segment "Biz Blitz")
Jonas Max Ferris
John Layfield
Scott Martin
Katie Pavlich
Self - Townhall.com News Editor
Lori Rothman
Sabrina Schaeffer
Self - Exec Director, Independent Women's Forum
Keith Fitz-Gerald
Imogen Lloyd Webber
Tracy Byrnes
Noelle Nikpour
Katrina Pierson
Rick Ungar
Hadley Heath
Amilya Antonetti
Jared Levy
Ashley Pratte
Self - Young America's Foundation
Tom Sullivan
Self - Guest Host
Dee Dee Sorvino
Daniel J. Mitchell
Self - Cato Economist
Joe Piscopo
Randy Zelin
Rebecca Rose Woodland
Self - Defense Attorney
Cheri Jacobus
Jed Babbin
Wilbur Ross
Lauren Simonetti
Andrew Napolitano
Dick Armey
Self - Former House Majority Leader
Mike Huckabee
Anahita Sedaghatfar
Self (segment "Let Me Be Brief")
Jedediah Bila
Scottie Hughes
Self - Tea Party News Network
Jessica Tarlov
Cheryl Casone
Guy Benson
Tamara Holder
Phil Flynn
Self - Price Futures Group
Chris Stirewalt
Mercedes Schlapp
Jessie Jane Duff
Self - Conservative Columnist
Allen West
Kelly Saindon
Kate Rogers
Self - FoxBusiness.com Reporter
Bob Cusack
Self - Managing Editor, The Hill
Connell McShane
Steve Moore
Joe Bastardi
Self - Weatherbell Analytics Meteorologist
Wayne Rogers
David Stockman
Thomas Belesis
Self - CEO, John Thomas Financial
Dennis Kucinich
Jamie Weinstein
Self - Senior Editor, The Daily Caller
Ashleigh Merchant
Rich Benjamin
Lisa Boothe
Deirdre Bolton
Tony Little
Self - America's Personal Trainer
Grover Norquist
Self - President, Americans for Tax Reform
Robert Siciliano
Self (segment "Halftime - Full Throttle")
Steven Crowder
John Stossel
Christian Dorsey
Self (segment "Cavuto Clash")
David Walker
Self - Former U.S. Comptroller General
Mark Meckler
Self - President, Citizens for Self-Governance
Monica Mehta
Derrick Kinney
Nicole Petallides
Self - Fox Business Network
Scott Brown
Shah Galani
Larry Glazer
Matt McCall
Larry Sabato
Jamie Colby
Gretchen Hamel
Self - Executive Director, Public Notice
John Ratzenberger
Ralph Nader
John Sununu
Crystal Wright
Bob Herbold
Self - Former Microsoft COO
Katrina Campins
Self - Real Estate Agent
Rand Paul
Liz Claman
Self - Fox Business Network Anchor
Ron Paul
Suzy Welch
Caroline Heldman
Tina Korbe
Bob Beckel
Carolyn Maloney
Steve Forbes
Self - Forbes Media Chairman & Editor-in-Chief
David Webb
Larry Winget
Tucker Carlson
Mike Pence
Alan Simpson
Self - Phone Interview
Jordan Sekulow
Ford O'Connell
Self - Former McCain Campaign Director
Tom DeLay
Tommy Thompson
Self - Former HHS Secretary
Lindsey Piegza
Mattie Duppler
Self - Director, Americans for Tax Reform
John Allison
President, Cato Institute
Robert Maginnis
Ty Young
Jo Ling Kent
Joseph Perri
CEO, Gold Coast Bank
Michael Carrazza
Byron Dorgan
Sascha Burns
Lenore Hawkins
Mitchell Modell
Jason Meister
Self - Real Estate Analyst
Charlie Kirk
Self - Founder of Turning Point USA
Heather Hansen
Howard Schmidt
Self - Former WH Cybersecurity Czar
Rob Basso
Jennifer Duffy
Self - Psychologist
Amy Holmes
Danielle McLaughlin
Ann Romney
Richard Shelby
Suzanne Somers
Pat Boone
Mitt Romney
Dennis Kneale
Wendy L. Walsh
Douglas Brinkley
Herman Cain
Gordon Chang
Remi Spencer
Gary Johnson
Michael Linden
Center for American Progress
David Freddoso
Self - Washington Examiner Editor
Marco Rubio
Self - Florida Senator
Edward Conard
Self - bestselling author
Todd Buchholz
Erin McPike
Self - RealClearPolitics
Shibani Joshi
Alice Rivlin
George Allen
Paul Sorvino
Mort Zuckerman
Katrina Szish
Self (segment "B Side")
William Binney
Self - Former NSA Analyst
Joe Grano
Brent Bozell
Self - Chairman, ForAmerica
Chuck Rocha
Carl Paladino
Douglas Holtz-Eakin
Jennifer Stefano
Self - Conservative Leadership Coalition
Marla Chicotsky
Ben Nelson
Al Lewis
Shep Hyken
Meg Strickler
Jim Kessler
Nicole Deborde
Cheryl Arutt
Self - Clinical and Forensic Psychologist
Michael Markiewicz
Kristen Soltis Anderson
Lauren Fix
Self - Car Coach
Joe Lieberman
John Sculley
Self - Former CEO, Apple Computer
Nick Gillespie
Trent Lott
Matt Welch
Penny Nance
Self - CEO, Concerned Women for America
Penny Lee
Susan Wilson Solovic
Jeb Hensarling
Craig Smith
Self - Chairman, Swiss America Trading
Carrie Sheffield
Jeff Flock
Self - Fox Business Correspondent
Domenic Romano
Self - Business Lawyer
Jessica Ehrlich
Self - Democratic Strategist
Tim Rood
Self - Former Fannie Mae Executive
Veronica Dagher
Jesse Lee Peterson
Self - BOND president
Garry Kasparov
Self - Former World Chess Champion
Pat Buchanan
Jack Keane
Self - Fox News Military Analyst
Raymond W. Kelly
Self - Former NYC Police Commissioner
Zerlina Maxwell
Katherine Mangu-Ward
Self - Managing Editor, Reason Magazine
Paul Wolfowitz
Self - Former Deputy Defense Secretary
Walid Phares
Self - Congressional Counter-Terrorism Advisor
Andy Puzder
Bernard Whitman
Zane Tankel
Self - CEO, Apple-Metro
Whitney Boan
Butch Yamali
Self - President, Quick Snack
Sreedhar Potarazu
Self (segment "Spreading the Sheet")
Maria Kang
Denny Stringl
Self - Former CEO, Verizon Wireless
Paul Viollis
Self - CEO, Risk Control Strategies
Steve Odland
Self - Former CEO, Office Depot
Nomiki Konst
Morgan Ortagus
Emily Jashinsky
Hitha Herzog
Bonnie-Jill Laflin
Kathy Ireland
John O'Hurley
Rudy Giuliani
John Elway
Mike Baker
Chuck Wepner
Peter Kiernan
David Drucker
Self - Roll Call Political Reporter
Eric Bolling
Orrin Hatch
Darrell Issa
Self - California Congressman
Rick Warren
Patrick Caddell
Torie Clarke
Carol Roth
Ron Johnson
Self - Senate Foreign Relations Committee
Joel Manby
Hank Greenberg
Mike McCurry
Tom Donohue
Self - U.S. Chamber of Commerce
John Mackey
Self - CEO, Whole Foods Market
John C. Liu
Chris Horner
Self - Competitive Enterprise Institute
Nancy Pfotenhauer
Joe Ligotti
Mary Fallin
Shira Toeplitz
Self - Roll Call Politics Reporter
Brian France
Self - Nascar CEO
Tim Pawlenty
Rob Bishop
Sam Nunn
Richard Brodsky
Sal Russo
Jennifer Bonjean
Thomas Graham
Alan Stern
Frank Keating
Sam Kazman
Miles Rappaport
Self - President, Demos
John Mica
John Cena
William Shatner
Regis Philbin
Mark Cuban
Donald Trump Jr.
Self - Executive Vice President, Trump Organization
David Brenner
Dick Cheney
Faith Jenkins
John McAfee
Self - Founder, McAfee Anti-Virus
Rick Perry
Robi Ludwig
Monica Crowley
Rick Santorum
Jeffrey Gardere
Self - Clinical Psychologist
Michele Bachmann
Brigitte Gabriel
Douglas Burns
Self - Former Federal Prosecutor
Austan Goolsbee
Ari Fleischer
Self - Former White House Press Secretary
Dennis Hastert
Self - Former Speaker of the House
Emanuel Cleaver
Bob Kerrey
Charles Rangel
Cedric Leighton
Founder, Cedric Leighton Associates
Mark Lanterman
Self - Computer Forensic Services
Paul Bremer
Mike Lee
Steve Scalise
Arthur Laffer
Jon Huntsman
Tom Ridge
Mel Karmazin
Tobin Smith
Evan Bayh
John Breaux
Self (segment "Capitol Classics")
Mark Zandi
Self - Chief Economist, Moody's Analytics
John Negroponte
Peter Gruber
Self - CEO, Mandalay Entertainment
Evangeline Gomez
Scott Walker
Robert Ray
Self - Former Whitewater Independent Counsel
Jim DeMint
Self - President, Heritage Foundation
Manny Alvarez
Self - Fox News Medical Contributor
Adam Geller
Lyss Stern
Self - Founder, DivaMoms.com
Burt Flickinger
Self - Retail Analyst
Sheila Bair
Steve Cooley
Self - Former L.A. District Attorney
Jon Kyl
Self - Arizona Senator
Carlos Gutierrez
Alexander Abdo
Self - ACLU
Neil Newhouse
Ryan Campaign Advisor
Catherine S. Neal
Self - Northern Kentucky Law Professor
Duncan Hunter
Bob Doll
Self - Chief Equities Strategist, Nuveen Asset Mgmt
Mark A. Calabria
Self - Cato Institute
Michael Cannon
Robert Prechter
Self - Economist
Bob McDonnell
Brian Doherty
Self - Reason.com Senior Editor
Tim Hutchinson
Richard Scrushy
Self - Former HealthSouth CEO
Chris Vanderzyden
Self - Small Business Consultant
Michael Zeldin
Carl Schramm
Jonathan Gruber
Self - MIT Economics Professor
Ron Williams
Haley Barbour
Fraser Seitel
Self - Public Relations Executive
Jon M. Huntsman
Self - Huntsman Corporation Founder
Louie Gohmert
Self - Texas Congressman
Steve Leser
Self - Panelist (Democratic Strategist and Radio Host)
Sheila Jackson Lee
Dick Grasso
Robert Novy-Marx
Self - University of Rochester Professor
Mara Reinstein
Self - US Weekly Movie Critic
Dominick Tavella
Self - President, Diversified Financial Consultants
Melissa Boteach
Self - Center for American Progress
Bo Dietl
Chuck Woolery
Pat O'Brien
Self - Former Host, Access Hollywood
Ted Cruz
Self - U.S. Senator
Anthony Fauci
Ben Carson
Self - Former Neurosurgeon
Bill Rancic
Self - Former 'Apprentice' Winner
Larry Holmes
Christopher Bedford
Self - Managing Editor, The Daily Caller
Tiki Barber
Self - Former NFL Player
Sean Spicer
Joe Arpaio
Self - Sheriff, Maricopa County, Arizona
Marc Morano
Self - Founder, ClimateDepot.com
Jim Gray
Ayla Brown
Self - Former NCAA Division 1 Basketball Player
Pat McCrory
Howard Safir
Self - Former NYPD Commissioner
Brad Blakeman
Self - Former Bush 43 Advisor
Carl Icahn
Bernard Kerik
Jillian Kay Melchior
Self - Independent Wormen's Forum
Phelim McAleer
Self - Filmmaker
William Stanton
Self - Former NYPD Officer
Harry Dent
Self - Founder, Dent Research
Devin Nunes
Self - House Ways and Means Committee
Joseph Tacopina
Self - Trial Attorney
David Kreutzer
Self - Heritage Foundation
Russel Honore
Self - Former Katrina Joint Task Force Commander
Vince Coglianese
Exec Editor, The Daily Caller
Alexandra Wilkes
Self - Chair, College Republican National Committee (segment "B Side")
Steve Lonegan
Self - Director, American Principles in Action
Jack Supple
Neel Kashkari
Self - Former Asst. Treasury Secretary
Cecile Raubenheimer
Self - Travel Consultant
Vikki Ziegler
Cynthia Lummis
Self - House Oversight Committee
Mo Brooks
Alberto Gonzales
Adriana Cohen
Lizzie Miller
Mark Krikorian
Self - Exec. Director, Center for Immigration Studies
Zack Shepard
Rich Edson
Bob Nardelli
Self - Former CEO, Home Depot & Chrysler
William Gheen
Self - Americans for Legal Immigration
Erica Ollmann Saphire
Self - Researcher, Scripps Research Institute
Larry Klayman
George Shultz
Self - Former Reagan Sec. of State
Brad Anderson
Self - Former Best Buy CEO
Chris Oprison
Shaun McCutcheon
Self - Won Campaign Finance Supreme Court Ruling
James Martin
Self - Chairman, 60 Plus Association (segment "Halftime - Full Throttle")
John Gribbin
Self - CEO, CentraState Healthcare System
Deva Roberts
Self - Attorney (segment "Let Me Be Brief")
Lisa Giovinazzo
Mark Everson
Self - Former IRS Commissioner
Courtney Pilchman
Michael Balboni
Wesley Berry
Nicolas Loris
Peter Kienan
Self - Former Morgan Stanley Partner (segment "Halftime - Full Throttle")
Mike Leven
COO, Las Vegas Sands Corp.
Judy Albanese
David Maney
Kmele Foster
Self - Co-Host, The Independents
Joe Barton
Denis Kelleher
J.D. Sherry
Self - Cyber Security Expert
Tim Murphy
Self - Chairman, Ebola Oversight Committee
Lance Cooper
Self - Attorney Suing General Motors
Michael Robinson
Self - Money Map Press (segment "Biz Blitz")
Nathan Bradley
Self - CEO, AudioEye
Larry Zimpleman
Self - Chairman & CEO, Principal Financial Group
Martin Nussman
Self - Attorney, Catholic Benefits Association
Kevin Brady
Self - House Deputy Whip
Richard Myers
Self - Former Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff
Ken Blackwell
Self - Former Cincinnati Mayor
Gil Amelio
Cameron Seward
Ray LaHood
Self - Former Obama Transportation Secretary
Douglas Feith
Self - Former Bush 43 Defense Undersecretary
Alexandra Watkins
Self - Author, Eat My Words
Bill Cowan
Richard Carmona
Self - Former Bush 43 Surgeon General
Blake Farenthold
Jeff Frazee
Self - Director, Young Americans for Liberty
Stephanie Nelson
Self - Founder, CouponMom.com
William Winkenwerder
Todd Wilemon
Jessica Vaughan
Self - Center for Immigration Studies
Yu-Dee Chang
Erika Katz
Self - Parenting Expert
Emily Tisch Sussman
Sonia Kapadia
Self - CEO, TasteSavant
Vince Vernucio
Self - Mackinac Center for Public Policy
Erin Tolbert
Self - E.R. Nurse Practitioner
Stephen Meister
Self - Attorney
Tom Stemberg
Self - Co-Founder, Staples
Pilar Prinz
Self - Family Attorney
Spencer Abraham
Self - Former Secretary of Energy
Bill Gavin
Self (segment "B-Side")
Kimberly Foss
Brad D. Smith
Self - CEO, Intuit
Bob Gregg
Self - Data Security Expert
T. Boone Pickens
Self - Oil & Gas Tycoon
Ron Weiner
Igor Volsky
James L. Swanson
Self - Author, End of Days
Ted Poe
Self - House Judiciary Committee
Tim Cavanaugh
Self - Executive Editor, Daily Caller (segment "Spreading the Sheet")
Ira Victor
Diana Aizman
Self -Attorney (segment "Let Me Be Brief")
Keli Carenter
Stephen Leeb
Self - CEO, Leeb Capital Markets
Nina Radcliff
Self - Syndicated Health Columnist
Jim LaCamp
Ken Melton
Self - Daughter Killed in Recalled GM Car
Kyle Harrington
Doug Wead
Self - Presidential Historian
Peter Barnes
Self - Fox Business Senior Washington Correspondent
Edward Lazear
Self - Former Bush 43 Chief Economic Advisor
Robert Strang
Self - Security Analyst
Bruce Turkel
CEO, Turkel Brands
Alex Smith
Larry Levin
Eugene Egdorf
Self - Lanier Law Firm
Daren Bakst
Katherine Timpf
Self - National Review Reporter
John McCain
Self - Chairman, Senate Armed Services Committee
Carly Fiorina
Gale Norton
Self - Former Bush 43 Interior Secretary
Henry Cuellar
Jonathan Gilliam
Self - Former U.S. Navy Seal
David Kennedy
Self - Founder, Trustedsec
James Hirsen
Self - Newsmax.com
Rick Sharga
Self - Housing Analyst
Rebecca Buck
Self - Political Correspondent, Washington Examiner
Steve Chabot
Blake Burman
Self - Fox Business
Helen Ferré
Self - RNC Head of Hispanic Communications
Katie Frates
Self - Editor, Daily Caller News Foundation
Trish Regan
Christine Todd Whitman
Self - Former New Jersey Governor
Marjorie Clifton
Veronique De Rugy
Self - Senior Research Fellow, Mercatus Center
Dave Brat
Self - Virginia Congressman
Christy Wright
Self - Author, Business Boutique
Jehmu Greene
Danielle Laughlin