Nick Read
David Hart
Alexandra Anderson
Madonna Benjamin
Joseph Bullman
Fisher Dilke
Charles Furneaux
Dai Richards
Steve Ruggi
Tim Shawcross
Roy Ackerman
Sally George
Nick Ryan
Jennifer Clayton
Nick Godwin
Ann Hawker
Jill Robinson
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Nigel Anthony
Self - Narrator
Tim Pigott-Smith
Lord Mountbatten
Sarah Bradford
Self - Official Biographer of George VI
Andrew Roberts
Self - Historian
Philippa Urquhart
Philip Tibenham
Chris Langham
Bill Paterson
Dearbhla Molloy
Connor Saban
Freud aged 2
Brian Lipson
Freud aged 39
Etela Pardo
Tracie Hart
Mrs. Freud
Willy Hoeller
James Castle
Soran David
Izzy Hyams
Andy Potter
Justin Saunders
Jerry Suchanek
Katerina Urbanová
Harriet Walter
Marie Stopes
Richard Attenborough
Janet Leigh
Jane Greer
Douglas Fairbanks Jr.
Malcolm Stoddard
Bill Melendez
Self - Interviewee
Tessa Wojtczak
Frank Thomas
Ollie Johnston
Bill Littlejohn
Richard Schickel
William T. Hurtz
Patricia Mountbatten
Self - Daughter of Mountbatten
Bob Thomas
Allan Warren
Self - Photographer
William C. Turner
David Hilberman
Robert Crause Baden-Powell
Self - Robert Baden-Powell's Grandson
Steven Runciman
Robert Maheu
Self - Howard Hughes Press Secretary
Michael Drosnin
Self - Howard Hughes Biographer
Wolfgang Rüdiger Hess
Lady Pamela Hicks
M.R.D. Foot
Lisa Appignanesi
Self - Novelist and Author of Freud
Marc Eliot
Sidney Crown
Self - Consultant Psychiatrist
Eduardo de Rojas Ordóñez
Tim Jeal
Self - Robert Baden-Powell's Biographer
Ernst Federn
Self - Family Friend of Freud
John Forrester
Self - Cambridge University
Lawrence J. Quirk
Leif Leifland
Self - Biographer of Axel Wenner Gren
John Costello
Marianne Springer-Kremser
Self - Professor of Psychoanalysis, Vienna
Ian Scott
Self - Deputy Private Secretary to the Viceory, 1947
Mary Eastman
Kenneth de Courcy
Self - Personal Friend of Edward VIII
Hanna Segal
Alphonse Thyss
Brian Hoey
Self - Biographer
Jeffrey Masson
Self - Editor of Freud's Letters
Colin Simpson
Self - Writer
Ángel Alcázar de Velasco
Rocky Wilkins
Self - Able Seaman, HMS Kelly, 1940-1941
Joan Scott
Jeff Chouinard
Harry Verdon Stopes-Roe
Lesley Hall
Philip Ziegler
Self - Official Biographer
William Evans
Self - Valet to Mountbatten, 1959-1969
James Macgibbon
Valerie Sinason
Self - Expert on Child Abuse
Christopher Beaumont
Self - Radcliffe Commission 1947
Douglas Price
Fulton Oursler Jnr
Gary Pardo Salmón
Self - Che Guevara Captor
Mary Stopes-Roe
Donald Cameron Watt
Betty Clay
Self - Robert Baden-Powell's Daughter
Dudley Forwood
Self - Duke of Windsor's Equerry, 1937-1939
Friedrich Horak
Self - Professor of Surgery, Vienna
Alfred de Marigny
June Rose
Arelo C. Sederberg
Gordon Margulis
Marie Beardsley
Helmut Gröger
Self - Medical Historian, Vienna
Jack Cardiff
Self - Cameraman
Vincent Sherman
Self - Film Director
Beverly Aadland
David Steel
Self - Liberal Party Leader, 1976-1988
Norman Scott
Tony Thomas
Stuart Fischoff
Self - Psychologist
Cyril Smith
Self - Liberal Chief Whip 1975-1976
Gillian Baverstock
Self - Enid Blyton's elder daughter
Jack Hayward
Self - Liberal Benefactor
Daniel Farson
Author 'Never a Normal Man'
George Greenfield
Self - Literary Agent
Barbara Castle
Self - Former Labour Cabinet Minister
William Donati
Nadir Dinshaw
Self - Friend
Auberon Waugh
Author 'The Last Word'
Gareth Williams
Self - Defence Barrister
Aza Pinney
Self - Liberal National Executive, 1968-1974
Tedd Thomey
Rose Cox
Self - Former Company Member
John Hammond Moore
Self - Author: The Young Errol
Lionel Hamilton
Self - Former Artistic Director
Robert Huntley
Self - Police Inspector
Stuart Kuttner
Self - Managing Editor, News of the World
Jim Hamilton
Self - Hollywood Columnist
Andrew Newton
Self - Pilot
Betty Hansen
Paul Bessell
Self - Son of Peter Bessell
Edward Lethaby
Self - Retired AA Man
Imogen Smallwood
Self - Enid Blyton's younger daughter
Thomas Hetherington
Self - Director of Public Prosecutions, 1977-1987
John Ryan
Self - Witness
John Le Measurier
Self - Carpet Dealer
Peter Stackpole
Self - Time-Life Photographer
Barbara Stoney
Self - Enid Blyton's Biographer
Dick Taverne
Self - Labour Minister, 1965-1970
Bernard Hill
Tippi Hedren
Self - Actress
Rita Gam
Oleg Cassini
Self - Fiancé
Forrest J. Ackerman
Self - Ron Hubbard's Literary Agent
Robert Dornhelm
Self - Friend and Film Director
Michael Sellers
Self - Son of Peter Sellers
Pierre Galante
Self - Editor, Paris Match
Judy Balaban
Penelope Mortimer
Self - Biographer of the Queen Mother
Elizabeth Anson
Self - Cousin of Princess Margaret
Nicky Haslam
Self - Acquaintance of Princess Margaret & Friend of Roddy Llewellyn
John B. Kelly III
Self - Grace Kelly's Nephew
Hana Whitfield
Self - Ron Hubbard's Deputy at Sea
Alexander Walker
Self - Film Critic, Evening Standard
Robert Vaughn Young
Self - Ron Hubbard's Press Officer
Lizanne Le Vine
Self - Grace Kelly's Sister
Noel Botham
Self - Biographer of Princess Margaret
Mike Goldstein
Self - Ron Hubbard's Finance Controller
Virginia Downsborough
Self - Ron Hubbard's Personal Assistant
John Rawlins
Ben Pimlott
Self - Biographer of the Queen
Gerry Armstrong
Self - Ron Hubbard's Household Manager
Father Antoine
Self - Head, Franciscan Community, Morgon
Cyril Vosper
Self - Ron Hubbard's Staff
Thierry Huguenin
Self - Ex-Member, Solar Temple
Francis Joseph
Self - Head Teacher, Ravenhill School
Gabriel Cazares
Self - Former Mayor of Clearwater
David Wynne-Morgan
Self - Royal Reporter, 1955-1957
Barbara Kaye
Jean Cox
Phillip Hall
Self - Author: 'Royal Fortune'
Dennis Canavan
Pam Kemp
Self - Friend and ex-Scientologist
Billy Mitchell
Self - Neighbour from Mustique
Ray Bellisario
Raymond Kemp
Roger-Louis Biancini
Self - Author: 'Monaco Behind the Scenes'
Jim Dincalci
Self - Ron Hubbard's Medical Officer
Peter Stephens
Self - Friend of Peter Townsend