John Gray
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Shawn Pomrenke
Self - Northwest Gold Diggers
Mike Rowe
Kris Kelly
Self - Reaper Mining
Emily Riedel
Self - Eroica Mining
Vernon Adkison
Self - Wild Ranger Gold Co.
Andy Kelly
Zeke Tenhoff
Self - Mad Scientist
Brad Kelly
Cody Moen
Self - Deckhand: Christine Rose
Steve Pomrenke
Self - Co-Owner: Christine Rose
Steve Riedel
Self - Diver: Wild Ranger
Chris McCully
Self - BG Mining
Daryl Galipeau
Self - Diver: The Eroica
Dave Young
Self - Owner: Arctic Sea & Arctic Gold
Ken Kerr
Joe Fullwood
George Young
Self - Owner: All About Nuggets
Scott Meisterheim
Self - Owner: Anchor Management
Elaine Adkison
Self - Deckhand: Wild Ranger
Gary Panos Jr.
Jeff Orzechowski
Derek McClarty
Self - Owner: High Noon
Gabe Tenhoff
Gary Simpson
Thom Beers
Sam Tenhoff
Self - Tenhoff Mining
Jane Kilcher
Self - Team Emily
Hank Schimschat
Self - Owner: Au Grabber
Bob Hafner
James Barkley
Self - Reaper Nation
Bryan Wilder
Spenser McCleskey
Self - Diver: High Noon
Chase Taylor
Nate Wednesday
Self - Zeke's Buddy
Kevin Adaimy
Yvonne Adkison
Self - Vernon's Daughter
Rick Smith
Tony Mann
Self - Deckhand: The Eroica
Doug Gramm
Todd Allen
Self - Diver: Anchor Management
John Bunce
Self - Diver: The Edge
Ian Foster
Self - Owner: Sluicey
Jason Walker
Jacob Musich
Daryl Valle
Glen LeBaron
Self - Gold Miner
Raven Liss
Self - The Black Swan
Grant Wilkins
Dylan Pomrenke
Self - Shawn's Son
Dave McCully
Self - Norpac Owner
Yukon John
Robbi Wade
Scott Foster
Self - Deckhand: Sluicey
Bobby Lowe
Don Erickson
Shem Fogelman
Ken Hughes
Self - Gold Refiner
Sarah Dunn
Self - Zeke's Girlfriend
Scott Davenport
Self - Diver: The Havilah
Luke Pomrenke
Shaunna Echohawk
Kevin Jupina
Dan Larsen
Dave Magliocca
Self - Owner: Loko
Jonathan Ruppe
Jenny Stuck
Jen Newby
Self - Diver: The Clark
Edward 'Eddie' Farler
Shelby Johnson
Dan Rainwater
Evelyn Trokey
Self - Emily's Daughter
Alex Trokey
Self - Emily's Husband
Jesse Strickling
Self - Diver
Ricky Larsen
Jason Higa
Self - Deckhand: Au Grabber
Kevin Dayton
Dan Fogel
Keith Byer
Self - Owner: The Havilah
Courtney Tucker
Self - Brad's Girlfriend
Danny Bainbridge
Larry St. Clair
Chris Numink
Thomas Bell
Landen Young
Self - Diver: All About Nuggets
Stormy the Dog
Anthony O'Neal
Nathan Makowski
Matt Peckinpaugh
Trent Ellis
Self - Assistant Camera
Jesse Virnig
Alexis Alamillo
David Thompson
Taylor McDaniel
Self - Mistress Night Crew
Jenny Panos
Self - Tender: Wild Ranger
Mikel Henry
Self - Veteran Diver
Brent Wacker
Cameron Stiles
Self - Pomrenke Empire
John Keeley
Self - Claim Owner
Andy Pomrenke
Wilson Hoogendorn
Joe Dehring
Nick McGlashan
Chris Thornton
Cam Styles
Wendy Kelly
Stan Miller
David Reichert
Self - Director of Photography
Lee Tenoff
Self - Zeke's Dad
Brian Donham
Flint Collins
Self - Diver: Bering Booty
Dan Autay
Jasmine George
Self - Glen's Girlfriend
Phillip 'PJ' Diaz
Rob Hehnlin
Self - Co-Owner: The Eroica
Andrew Lee
Christine Pomrenke
Self - Steve's Wife
Kendall Winslow
John Mehelich
Self - Dredge Owner: Goldfish
Kerwin Krause
Self - Dept. of Natural Resources
Nicholas Bunker
Self - Supervising Producer: The Edge
Emil Lzmaylov
Brian Testa
Self - Audio Supervisor
Phillip Rhyner
Self - Dredge Technician
John Culp
Trevor Miller
Self - Relief Captain: Christine Rose
Bryan Miller
Self - Producer: Anchor Management
Clay Stainbrook
Self - Arctic Gold
Jerry Patton Jr.
Cameron Glendenning
Self - Executive Producer & DP
Stan D'Orio
Self - Captain: AU2000
Will Lyons
Self - Producer: Wild Ranger
Joel Pellegrino
'Boy' Kelly the Dog
Self - Fightin' Kelly's Dog
Max Iyapana Jr.
Tony Pontillo
Bill Martin
Self - Owner: All In
Dillon Willis
Self - Current River Electric
Todd Curzie
Self - Chiropractor
Dave Walsh
Self - Potential Hire
Jaco Kotze
Self - Potential Investor
Dave Kroph
Augie Krutzsch
Self - Executive Producer
Jesse Solomon
Levi McCleskey
Ed Gilroy
Ken Shapiro
Self - Arctic Guide
Paul Larouche
Cameron O'Connor
Dwight Amaktoolik
Jenny Schield
Self - Shawn's Fiance
Steve Wright
Self - Producer: Christine Rose
Noqah Elisi
Self - John Bunce's Mother
Lucas Wolf
Wayne Miller
Isaac Thompson
Shane Moore
Self - Director of Underwater Photography
Mark Fazio
Self - Deckhand: Anchor Management
Kelsy Lessing
Dave Nelson
Self - Diver: The Reaper
Wallace Pomrenke
Brett Ward
Erick Pomrenke
Self - Shawn's Brother
Bree Savage
Self - Rookie Miner
Scott Baker
West Beach Buddy
Self - Nome Gold Miner
Doug Doherty
Self - Chase Boat Captain
Genevieve Pomrenke
John Jagielski
Self - Field Superintendent
Teddy Pomrenke
Self - Top Dog
Daniel Bainbridge
Boden Tenhoff
Self - Zeke's Son
Dave Virnig
Self - Contest Judge
Byron Coe
Emily Pomrenke
Self - Shawn's Daughter
Justin Cook
Self - Vernon's Granddaughter
Kye Park
Self - New Diver
Nate Eastman
Milan Schield
Isaiah Webb
Arlene Adkison
Self - Vernon's Wife
Augie Crutch
Self - Local Prospector
Melanie St. Laurent
Self - Housekeeper: Nugget Inn
Clay Culbert
Self - Dive Tender
John Parks
Judy Martinson
Self - Lease Owner
Lee St. Pierre
Self - Smelter
Gordon Greeb
Doug Martinson
Angie Decker
Todd Stanley
Tim Beers Jr.
Self - Producer
Laura Bunker
Self - Wife: Nicholas Bunker
Matt Getz
Alex Rinks
Self - Cameraman
Matt Blatchley
Self - Camera & Producer: Christine Rose
Daniel Herman
Self - Cinematographer
Thomas Peyton
Colton West
Jessie Holmes
Kristoffer Wickstrom