Blair Foster
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Monica Lewinsky
Self - Former White House Intern
Ken Starr
Self - Former Independent Counsel
Lucianne Goldberg
Self - Conservative Author & Literary Agent
Michael Isikoff
Self - Journalist - The Washington Post (1981-1994)
David Shuster
Self - Journalist - ABC, Little Rock (1994-1996)
David Kendall
Self - Attorney for Bill Clinton
Paula Jones
Self - Former Arkansas State Employee
Solomon Wisenberg
Self - Former Deputy Independent Counsel
James Carville
Self - Former Political Strategist for Bill Clinton
Joe Conason
Self - Co-Author - The Hunting of the President
Jennifer Palmieri
Self - Former Deputy Press Secretary
Marcia Lewis
Self - Monica Lewinsky's Mother
Ann McDaniel
Self - Washington Bureau Chief - Newsweek (1996-1998)
Bernard Lewinsky
Self - Monica Lewinsky's Father
Barney Frank
Self - Former Congressman (D)
James Fisher
Self - Former Attorney for Paula Jones
Susan Carpenter-McMillan
Self - Former Advisor to Paula Jones
Joe Lockhart
Self - Former White House Press Secretary
Lisa Myers
Self - Journalist - NBC News (1981-2014)
Peter Baker
Self - Journalist - The Washington Post (1988-2008)
Bob Bennett
Self - Former Attorney for the President
Joe Klein
Self - Journalist - Newsweek (1992-1996)
Tom Daschle
Self - Former Senator (D)
Catherine Davis
Self - Friend of Monica Lewinsky
Dick Morris
Self - Former Clinton Pollster
David Brock
Self - Journalist - The American Spectator (1992-1997)
Stephen Binhak
Self - Former Associate Independent Counsel
Jeff Gerth
Self - Journalist - The New York Times (1976-2005)
Sidney Blumenthal
Self - Former Senior Adviser to the President
Jane Sherburne
Self - Former White House Special Consel
Bob Bittman
Ray Jahn
Bruce Udolf
Amy Sabrin
Cliff Jackson
Self - Arkansas Attorney
Joseph Cammarata
Jim Blair
Self - Clinton Friend & Advisor
Kathleen Willey
Self - Former White House Volunteer Aide
Jill Abramson
Self - Journalist - The New York Times (1997-2014)
Barbara Lewinsky
Self - Monica Lewinsky's Stepmother
Patricia Ireland
Self - Former President - National Organization for Women
W. Hickman Ewing
Leonard Downie Jr.
Self - Editor - The Washington Post (1991-2008)
Todd Purdum
Self - Journalist - The New York Times (1982-2005)
Susan McDougal
Self - Former Clinton Business Partner
Robert Fiske
Self - Former Independent Counselor
Bob Livingston
Self - Former Congressman (R)
Trent Lott
Self - Former Senator (R)
Juanita Broaddrick
Self - 'Jane Doe #5'