Thomas Jolly
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Anderson .Paak
Self - Performer
Gloria Agblemagnon
Aurélie Aubert
Amadou Bagayoko
Self - Singer
Michel Barnier
Self - Prime Minister of France
Karen Bass
Self - Mayor of Los Angeles
Hubert Blanc-Francard
Mathieu Bosredon
Alexandre Boyon
Self - Host
Boston Bun
Busy P
Daphné Bürki
Martina Caironi
Lenine Cunha
Étienne de Crécy
Tanguy de La Forest
Ugo Didier
Mariam Doumbia
Irène Drésel
Nathalie Duchene
Tony Estanguet
Self - COJOP2024 President
DJ Falcon
André Feydy
Karita Fleming
Top 100 L.A. Influencer
Anne Hidalgo
Self - Mayor of Paris
Tatyana Jane
Jean-Michel Jarre
Cut Killer
Miss Kittin
Vladyslava Kravchencko
Matthieu Lartot
Gaelynn Lea
Emmanuel Macron
Self - President of France
Charles Noakes
Andrew Parsons
Self - IPC President
Samanta Cotta
Denise Schindler
Kiddy Smile
Yujiao Tan
Frédéric Villeroux
Matthew Whitaker
Yoomin Won