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Partida de Simples Tracy Williams x AR Fox (12:49) Partida de Duplas EYFBO (Angel Ortiz e Mike Draztik) x John Silver e Rex Lawless (7:20) Partida de Simples Sugar Dunkerton x Stockade (6:22) Partida de Simples David Starr x Matthew Palmer (11:58) Tag Team Match Team Tremendous (Bill Carr e Dan Barry) vs The Crusade For Change (Darius Carter e TJ Marconi) (10:29) Singles Match Donovan Dijak vs Jonathan Gresham (16:30) Ten Man Tag Team Match Anthony Greene, Brian Fury, Brick Mastone, Cam Zagami e Travis Gordon vs Ace Romero, Anthony Stone, Davey Cash, Kris Pyro e Xavier Bell (14:04) Singles Match Shynron vs The Amazing Red (13:21) Tag Team Match The Kingdom (Matt Taven e Michael Bennett) (w/Maria Kanellis) vs Da Hit Squad (Dan Maff e Monsta Mack) (10:55) Singles Match JT Dunn vs Jaka (9:16) Singles Match Chris Dickinson vs JT Dunn (8:53).