Mike Spillane
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Shazza McKenzie
Shazza McKenzie - The SHIMMER Collective
Mark Angelosetti
'Mr. Touchdown' Mark Angelosetti- The Millennium Throwbacks
Jack Bonza
Self - Ancient Order of the Nations
Rey Bucanero
Self - The Ohnaka Gang
Cajun Crawdad
Self - Society of the Deep
Callux the Castigator
Self - Dark Lords of the Proteus
James Cipperly
Fire Ant - The ResistANTce
Self - Xyberhawx Techno Union
Solo Darling
Self - Sisters of the Mighty
Tony Deppen
Self - The F.I.S.T. Order
Chris Dickinson
Chris Dickinson- The Raiders of the Beyond
Madison Eagles
Self - The SHIMMER Collective
El Hijo del Ice Cream
Self - Los Ice Creams
Estonian Thunderfrog
Self - The Galactic Wildlife Commission
Tyrone Evans
Self - The Nexus Alliance
Frantik- Dark Lords of the Proteus
Ronald Grams
Icarus- The F.I.S.T. Order
Green Ant
Self - The ResistANTce
Nora Greenwald
Mighty Molly- Sisters of the Mighty
Boomer Hatfield
Self - The Millennium Throwbacks
Dasher Hatfield
Hermit Crab
Adam Hoffman
Travis Huckabee
Self - The F.I.ST. Order
Ice Cream Jr.
Mitsunobu Kikuzawa
Kikutaro- The New Republic
Rex Lawless
Rick Roland- The Closers
Paul Lloyd Jr.
PJ Black- The Nexus Alliance
Brian Milonas
Self - The Raiders of the Beyond
Mick Moretti
Shoko Nakajima
Self - Tokyo Joshi Pro Freedom Fighters
Pierre Carl Ouellet
Joe Padilla
Juan Francisco de Coronado- The Regime
Aja Perera
Bryce Remsburg
Fred Rosser
Yuka Sakazaki
Katarina Severen
Katarina Leigh- The Ohnaka Gang
Mike Quackenbush- commentator
Mike Taverna
Sloan Caprice- The Closers
Thief Ant
Jessica Troy
Self - The Galactic WIldlife Commission
Air Wolf
Miyu Yamashita
Cameron Zagami