John Maggio
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Madeleine Albright
Self (archiveFootage)
Clement Attlee
Charles Bonesteel
Self - General of the US Army (archiveFootage)
H.W. Brands
Self - Professor of History, University of Texas
George W. Bush
Choe Byung-Su
Self - South Korean Army
Richard Carey
Self - US Marine Corps
Victor Cha
Park Chung-hee
Winston Churchill
Bill Clinton
Bruce Cumings
Self - Professor of History, University of Chicago
Orace Edwards
Homer Garza
Self - US Army
Charles Hanley
Self - former Associated Press correspondent
Eric Herson-Macarel
Yang Hye-Suk
Moon Jae-in
Sheila Miyoshi Jager
Self - Professor of History, Oberlin College, Chicago
Jin-Sung Jang
Self - North Korean Defector
Song Jin-Won
Lyndon B. Johnson
Self - President of the United States (archiveFootage)
Nikita Khrushchev
Il-Sung Kim
Jong-Il Kim
Jong-Un Kim
Larry Kinard
Chung Koo-Do
Park Kyung-Son
Andrei Lankov
Self - Professor of History, Kookmin University of Seoul
Douglas MacArthur
Mao Zedong
Allan Millett
Self - Professor for Military History
Vyacheslav Molotov
Ro Moo-Sik
Barack Obama
Herb Odell
Mike Pence
Clifford L. Petrey
Colin Powell
Syngman Rhee
Matthew B. Ridgway
Choe Sang-Hun
Self - Correspondent of the New York Times
Joseph Stalin
William Stueck
Self - Professor of History, University of Georgia
Sue Mi Terry
Self - former CIA analyst
Harry S. Truman
Donald Trump