Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Eileen Barker
Self - Professor of Sociology with Special Reference to the Study of Religion. The London School of Economics. London, UK
Allan R. Brockway
Self - Former Secretary to the Consultation on the Church and Jewish People for the World Council on Churches, UK
David Casterline
Self - First Amendment Rights Advocate. Former Assistant U.S. Attorney and Prosecutor. L.A. California
Bart Cox
Self - Assistant Attorney General, State of Texas, Austin, Texas
Rex Davis
Self (Subdean of Lincoln Cathedral, Lincoln, UK)
Charlotte Hardman
Self - Lecturer, Dept. of Religious Studies, University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Newcastle, UK
Rick Lannoye
Self - Director and Spokesman, Texas VOCAL Chapter (Victims of Child Abuse Laws U.S.A.
James Lewis
Self - Academic Director of AWARE, Association of World Academics for Religious Education, Goleta, Calif., USA
Lawrence Lilliston
Self - Chair of the Dept. of Psychology, Oakland University, Rochester, Mich. USA
J. Gordon Melton
Self - Director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion. Author of the Study of American Religions. Santa Barbara, Calif., USA
David Millikan
Self - Uniting Church of Australian Ministry. Leading Australian Authority on New Religious Movements. Sydney, N.S.W. Australia
Christopher Murphy
Self - Attorney at Law, Sydney, N.S.W. Australia
Ellen D. Oliver
Self - Executive Director of AWARE, Association of World Academics for Religious Education, Goleta, CA, USA
George Roberston
Self - President, Friends of Freedom, Cokeysville, MD, U.S.A.
Gary Shepherd
Self - Professor of Sociology, Oakland University, Member of the Scientific Study for World Religions, Rochester, Mich. U.S.A.
Jack Thompson
Self - Lecturer, Centre for the Study of Christianity in the Non-Western World Faculty of Divinity, University of Edinburgh, U.K.
Bryan Wilson
Self - The Reader in Sociology, All Souls College, Oxford University, Oxford U.K.