Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Mitch Ryan
Richard Fitzpatrick
Self - Interviewee
Jamie Seymour
Rick Shine
Bryan Grieg Fry
Self - Biochemist and Moleculair Biologist at University of Queensland
Gary Davies
Mark Harvey
Self - Department of Terrastrial Zoology at Western Australian Museum
Dion Wedd
Martin Garwood
David Wilson
Matt Kelman
William Winram
Chris Baker
Chris Daly
David Thorne
Chris Peberdy
Bob Buckley
Jeremy Hurburgh
Nikolai Tatarnic
Phil Cousins
Nick Jones
Nuala McClernon
James MacGregor
Stephen Doggett
Lily Pedreti
David Jacquier
Steve Brown
Phillip Healey
Julie Margaglione
Melissa Spain
Jonathan Keith
Ian Chater
Rowena Barrett
Pat Hutchings
Donna Tanian
Haley Berridge
Keith Payne
Zac Golebiowski
Coco Pedretti
Kip Venn
Emma Stephens
Mark Northover
Glen Folkard
Andrew Melrose
John Cann
George White
Scott Ritchie
Roger Harris
Ella Murphy
Steve Lentini
David Salt
Natalie Hill
Tommy Nichol
Ruud Van Scheppingen
Roderick Sommerville
Martin Kane
Klaus Gaikhorst
Dane Shardlow
Col Bailey
Brad Cooper
Philip Gibbons
Robert Mcgregor
Tony Snelling
David Newsome
Rupert Phillips
Ashley Roberts-Thomson
Jane Hughes
Chase Johnson
Amy Smoothey
Judy Hawker
John Geappen
Jenny Gudden
Dani Best