Michael Floyd
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Michele Andrews
The Granddaughter
Siana Andrews
The Great-Granddaughter
Ted Brown
NAF Member for Musicians
Alice Chitwood
The Grandmother
Brian Doepke
Amanda Dombrowski
Sabrina Dombrowski
Ashley Evans
Jorge Fernandez
Spanish Lace Actor
Patty Floyd-Heller
Angelica Gonzalez
Spanish Lace Actress
Regina Gordon
NAF Member for Poets
Cayleah Hall
The Sensation Singers
Charis Hall
Kenady Hall
Katie Hart
Jerry Hertenstein
Rayna Hettinger
Shampree Hilliard
Akyria Hugiley
Poet #5
Patty Hunter
Anthony Jordan
NAF Member for Dancers
Hannah Jordan
Poet #3
Dolores Juarez
Linda Kirby
NAF Member for Artists
R.J. Lafferty
Anna Nahrwold
Linda Netherton
NAF Member for Singers
Trent Netherton
Thomas Ostrowski
Salma Perez
Brenda Jo Reutebuch
Amelia Roebuck
Wendy Ruiz
Christina Sanchez
Marisabel Sanchez
Stephanie Sanchez
Steve Smith
Paige Snyder
David Sowards
Beatrice Tevis-Williams
NAF Member
Alexia Thurber
Martin Tierney
NAF Member for Actors
Joseph VanBuren
Poet #4
Bobby Way
Diego Williams