The Adventures of a Man in Search of a Heart: A Joleron Production Starring the Tin Woodman from the Land of Oz_peliplat
The Adventures of a Man in Search of a Heart: A Joleron Production Starring the Tin Woodman from the Land of Oz_peliplat

The Adventures of a Man in Search of a Heart: A Joleron Production Starring the Tin Woodman from the Land of Oz (1984)

None | EUA | Inglês | 6 min
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Também conhecido como
The Adventures of a Man in Search of a Heart: A Joleron Production Starring the Tin Woodman from the Land of Oz
(Título original)
Aventuras de un hombre en busca de un corazón: Una producción protagonizada por 'El hombre de lata' de la Tierra de Oz
Guia parental

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