Kally's Mashup
Naruto Shippuden
365 Dias
Sua Culpa
Sonic 3: O Filme
Os dois hemisférios de Lucca
A Noiva do Titã
Sem Limites
Round 6
Mufasa: O Rei Leão
Andreas Katsimitsoulias
Andreas Douzos
Mary Farmaki
Teta Douzou
Steve Douzos
Madame Sousou
Trip for Five with Healthy Smiles
Twirling through Life
Professional Sleepwalker
Come to Daddy...
Santa Chikita
The Beauty of Athens
Kata Fantasian Asthenis
Thanasis, the Politician
No Harm's Done
The Eulogy
Intriga ao Sol
Esquivar-se e Camuflar-se
Love Me Not?
The Spring Gathering
The Girl from Corfu
Os Pastores da Desordem
Unfair World
Windfall in Athens
The Chaos She Left Behind
Areso kai kykloforo
Antrea, roufa... t' avgo sou
Antra thelo!... Tora ton thelo!...
Anargyros, o... gois
Epitheoritis Xefteris: Epidromi sti vila ton angelon
Enas kokoras sti geitonia mas
O Papamafias
Ole... kai tous ta pirame
O Emmanouelos
The Uncle from Texas
Enas gyftos tha mas sosei
Stop! Mi pidate... to balkoni mou