Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Arn Anderson
Scotty Antol
Scotty Riggs
Marcus Bagwell
Marcus Alexander Bagwell - The American Males
Steve Borden
Sting - The Hulkamaniacs
John Czawlytko
Max Muscle
Jeff Farmer
Tonga Fifita
Meng - The Dungeon of Doom
Ric Flair
Jimmy Golden
Bunkhouse Buck - The Stud Stable
Eddie Guerrero
Eddy Guerrero
Jim Harris
Kamala - The Dungeon Of Doom
Jimmy Hart
Bobby Heenan
Bobby 'The Brain' Heenan
Hulk Hogan
Hulk Hogan - The Hulkamaniacs
Booker Huffman
Booker T
Lash Huffman
Stevie Ray - Harlem Heat
Curtis Iaukea
The Master - The Dungeon of Doom (archiveFootage)
Ed Leslie
The Zodiac - The Dungeon of Doom
Sherri Martel
Sister Sherri
Marc Mero
Johnny B. Badd
Gene Okerlund
'Mean' Gene Okerlund
Paul Orndorff
Dallas Page
Diamond Dallas Page
Kimberly Page
The Diamond Doll
Larry Pfohl
Lex Luger - The Hulkamaniacs
Brian Pillman
Craig Pittman
Sgt. Craig Pittman
Jerry Saganowich
Jerry Sags - The Nasty Boys
Randy Savage
Randy Savage - The Hulkamaniacs
Tony Schiavone
Dick Slater
Dick Slater - The Stud Stable
Gary Spivey
Kevin Sullivan
'The Taskmaster' Kevin Sullivan - The Dungeon of Doom
John Tenta
The Shark - The Dungeon Of Doom
Ray Traylor
Big Bubba Rogers
Robert Welch
Col. Robert Parker - The Stud Stable
Paul Wight
The Giant - The Dungeon of Doom
Rick Wilson
The Renegade
Alex Wright
'Das Wunderkind' Alex Wright
Brian Yandrisovitz
Brian Knobbs - The Nasty Boys
Mike Hayner
Craig Pittman's Recruit (uncredited)