Albert Nerenberg
Rob Spence
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Colin Mochrie
Dan Aykroyd
Rachel Blanchard
Jake Gold
Michael B. Davie
Jack Layton
Joey Elias
Tim Rykert
Steve Bunn
The Hamilton Bagmen
David Miller
Jane Pitfield
Russell Peters
Angelo Tsarouchas
Todd McCallum
Peter Mackay
Terry David Mulligan
Joe Keithley
Mel Lastman
Robert Remington
Dan Redican
Paul Myers
The Dancing Cock Brothers
Jackie Flanagan
Michael Doucet
Wade Belak
Donovan Ruddock
Scott Falconbridge
Douglas Coupland
Ernie Eves
Christopher Hume
Margo Varadi
George Giaouris
Sook-Yin Lee
Dean Haglund
Glen Foster
Dalton McGuinty
Kyle Allatt
Scott Faulconbridge
Jy Harris
Adam Kelly Morton
Dancing Cock Brother