Kally's Mashup
Round 6: O Desafio
PG Porn
Mea Culpa
Ask Me What You Want
A Forja: O Poder da Transformação
Com Carinho, Kitty
Venom: A Última Rodada
Mufasa: O Rei Leão
Darve Lau
Yi Chang
Nancy Yen
Charles Heung
Shao-Chun Chang
Chin-Hai Chen
Blood Revenge
Long hu dou jin gang
Si qiu
O Tigre de Hong-Kong
The Dragon Killer
The Dragon's Vengeance
Duel with Death
The Red Phoenix
Excelsior, a Fúria do Karate
Revenge of the Iron-Fist Maiden
The Crane Fighter
Golpes Mortais
A Tocha de Zen
The Sword Identity
Cinzas do Passado
Inimigos do Império
O Grande Mestre
Sun Valley
Temptation of a Monk
O Clã das Adagas Voadoras
Patrulha da Montanha
Luxury Car
Fighting of Shaolin Monks
Encontro Com a Morte
Death Duel of Mantis
Angry Fist
Story in the Temple Red Lily
A Guilhotina Voadora 2
Magnificent Wanderers
The Murder of Murders
O Monge de Shaolin
Sacred Knives of Vengeance
The Fatal Flying Guillotines
Imprevisto de Natal