Andrew Leckonby
John Raine
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Tahir Ahmad
Fran Biggs
Mugged Woman
Gary Colman
Superintendent Donald
Joe Cowell
Guns Security Guard
Meg Crowe
Distraught Old Woman
James Fisher
Vigilante #2
George Gannon
Vigilante #1
Rod Glenn
Bodyguard #1
Erling Hart
Vigilante #3
Eleanor Herbert
Female Chav
Lawrence Herbert
Tall Male Chav
Dennis Hewitt
Policeman #1
Rebecca Hollingsworth
The Mother
Melanie Howd
Rational Woman
September-Sky Howd
Sunny Howd
Specky Male Chav
William Scott Johnson
Vigilante #6
Rachel Kirk
Graham Lee
Army Veteran
Jessica Little
Dr. Holly Samuels
Mark Punton
Policeman #2
Daniel Mailtland
Jason Savin
Vigilante #4
John Scott
Detective Inspector Steve Nixon
Spin Dokta Goblaz
Nikita Rachel Shepherdson
The Orphan
Davy Simmons
Vigilante #5
Elliott Sinclair
Vigilante #7
Mark Stoker
Vigilante #8
Dylan Turnbull
Vigilante #9
Glenn Upsall
Bodyguard #2
Ric Wass
Martial Arts Burglar
Steven Winnie
Slam Burglar
Sandra Wooton
Guns Tagger