Göran Olsson
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Lauryn Hill
Narrator in English version (voice)
Kati Outinen
Narrator in Finnish version (voice)
Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak
Self - professor, Columbia University
Gaetano Pagano
Self - reporter (archiveFootage) (voice)
Tonderai Makoni
Self - PhD (archiveFootage)
Self - white Rhodesian racist's servant (archiveFootage)
Robert Mugabe
Self - Zimbabwe African National Union (archiveFootage)
Robert Jackson
Self - Liberian labour activist (archiveFootage)
Olle Wijkström
Self - executive director, Liberian-American-Swedish Minerals Company (archiveFootage)
William Tubman
Self - president of Liberia (archiveFootage)
Sören Lagergren
Self - Liberian-American-Swedish Minerals Company (archiveFootage)
Simão Elias
Self - The Mozambique Liberation Front (archiveFootage)
António de Spínola
Self - military governor of Portuguese Guinea (archiveFootage)
Amilcar Cabral
Self - founder of Partido Africano da Independência da Guiné e Cabo Verde (archiveFootage)
Thomas Sankara
Self - president of Burkina Faso (archiveFootage)