Kally's Mashup
Com Carinho, Kitty
PG Porn
Mea Culpa
Minha Culpa
Round 6: O Desafio
Venom: A Última Rodada
Ask Me What You Want
Mike Spillane
Elenco (na ordem dos créditos)
Jonathan Barber
Self - referee
Preston Blathers
Self - ring announcer
Cajun Crawdad
Self - The Creatures of the Deep
Lucas Calhoun
'Juke Joint' Lucas Calhoun
Callux the Castigator
Self - The Proteus Wheel
James Cipperly
Fire Ant - The Colony
Drew Cordeiro
Denver Colorado- commentator
Solo Darling
Self - commentator
Tony Deppen
Self - Team F.I.S.T.
Dr. Rod Diamondfire
Chris Dickinson
Axel Ford
Frantik- The Proteus Wheel
Ryan Galeone
Self - Team Beyond Wrestling
Robert Goodwin
Hallowicked- Team CHIKARA
Ronald Grams
Icarus- Team CHIKARA
Green Ant
Self - The Colony
Boomer Hatfield
Self - Team CHIKARA
Dasher Hatfield
Hermit Crab
Scott Holladay
Self - interviewer
Travis Huckabee
Brian Milonas
Joe Padilla
Juan Francisco de Coronado- Team CHIKARA
Professor Nicodemus
Proletariat Boar of Moldova
Razerhawk - Xyberhawx 2000
Bryce Remsburg
John Silver
Mike Quackenbush- commentator
Thief Ant
Ultramantis Black
Ashley Vox
Oceanea- The Creatures of the Deep
The Whisper
Nick Wilson
Nick Gage- Team Beyond Wrestling
Cameron Zagami
Cam Zagami- Team Beyond Wrestling
Alex Zikos
Alex Reynolds- Team Beyond Wrestling