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Zane Hampton, was born in Denver but raised in Colorado Springs, Colorado. Living with his two younger brothers he started creative writing at the age of six, which later turned into a deep seeded passion. Around the age of sixteen he went under corrective chest surgery, and had three of said surgeries until finally recovering at the age of seventeen. Entering into film school at the Colorado Film School he lived out of his car while continuing his education and was forced to drop out due to financial struggle. However while inside the film school, he met contacts and created the personal label "Danger Dog Productions" which he then promoted and produced. Working, writing, directing, editing, and running the camera became a normal selection of jobs on nearly every product released by Danger Dog Productions until 2017 when homelessness again shut production down. In order to escape financial problems, Zane Hampton became a Correctional Officer for the Sterling Correctional Facility. Pushing through nine months of a horrendously dangerous profession Zane finished out a contract with the Colorado Department of Corrections, transferred to Juvenile Corrections, and finally was able to focus on his passion, being film. From there he was able to promote his label, himself, and continued his career in Colorado.